
    I've been on a bit of a multi-year journey here to launch an algo-managed registered investment adviser built on Quant Connect. The intent was to use FA Groups to manage pools of client accounts with different algorithms based on risk-tolerance/goals. However, when we actually completed the integration and attempted to push it to live, we found the QC doesn't really have the ability to manage more than 1 group in an FA account. What ends up happening is it detects the equity for every client account of the IA, not just what is in that group, and then sizes/places trades as if it was using the equity of every client the IA has instead of just the particular group it is supposed to be tied to. This would essentially end up making trades in a group with more equity than exists in that group (AKA bad). It makes the IBRK adviser/group integration/feature kind of nonfunctional in a practical sense. So, I'm looking for a work around that doesn't involve having to setup 5 IA accounts with different data subscriptions and 5 different IBKR DAM api integrations for onboarding.


     There does appear to be a way to pull a list of accounts in an FA group and their equity over the TWS API. Is this on the roadmap anywhere to complete the FA Group integration with IBKR? If not, is QC using IB Gateway under the hood? Could we build a work around where we hit the IBGateway API from within the algo to pull group info and work around this?