As the title suggests, I've been working on a strategy using longer EMAs. Unfortunately, no matter what I've done, I haven't been able to get the data on both platforms to line up. In the case of the 30-minute (1500, Close), there is a ~0.4% difference in most cases. Is there anyone here who has experienced a similar issue? If so, how did you fix it?
Here is the code related to the EMAs.
Thank you in advance for the help!
from AlgorithmImports import *
class Example(QCAlgorithm):
def Initialize(self):
# Set parameters
self.SetStartDate(2024, 1, 1)
self.SetEndDate(2025, 1, 1)
# self.set_warm_up(timedelta(days=365*50))
# Add SPY data
spy = self.AddEquity("SPY", Resolution.Minute)
self.symbol = spy.Symbol
# Define EMAs for various resolutions
self.ema1500_30min = ExponentialMovingAverage(1500)
# Consolidators for higher resolutions
self.Consolidate(self.symbol, timedelta(minutes=30), self.UpdateEMA_30min)
# State variables
self.prev_ema1500_30min = RollingWindow[float](2)
self.backtest_start = True
def UpdateEMA_30min(self, bar):
self.ema1500_30min.Update(bar.EndTime, bar.Close)
def OnData(self, data):
if self.is_warming_up:
# Ensure all indicators are ready
if not self.AllEMAsReady():
def AllEMAsReady(self):
"""Check if all EMAs are ready."""
return all([self.ema1500_30min.IsReady, self.prev_ema1500_30min.IsReady,])
Mia Alissi
To address the discrepancies in EMA values across different platforms, let's consider the following steps based on your code and the information gathered:
Warm-Up Period: Ensure that the EMA is properly warmed up with sufficient historical data. You mentioned a warm-up period in your code (
# self.set_warm_up(timedelta(days=365*50))
). Uncomment this line to ensure the EMA has enough data to stabilize its initial values.Timestamp Alignment: QuantConnect timestamps data at the end of the period, while other platforms might timestamp at the beginning. Ensure that your data handling accounts for this difference.
Resolution Consistency: Make sure the resolution and data frequency are consistent across platforms. You are using a 30-minute consolidator, which should match the resolution used on the other platform.
Smoothing Factor: Check if the smoothing factor used in the EMA calculation is consistent across platforms. QuantConnect's
uses a default smoothing factor, which you can adjust if needed.Historical Data Source: Ensure the historical data source and its quality are consistent across platforms. Differences in data can lead to different EMA values.
Code Review: Ensure that the EMA is being updated correctly with the consolidated data. In your
method, you are updating the EMA with thebar.Close
. Make sure this aligns with how the other platform calculates the EMA.Here's a refined version of your code with the warm-up period enabled:
By ensuring these aspects are aligned, you should be able to reduce the discrepancies in EMA values across different platforms.
Sources: Key Concepts -, Warm Up Periods -, Ema Cross Futures Front Month Algorithm, Warmup Algorithm, Indicator Warmup Algorithm
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Stefan Dj
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