import numpy as np

class LongRSI_test(QCAlgorithm):

def Initialize(self):

self.SetStartDate(2021, 3, 31)


res = Resolution.Minute

self.msft = self.AddEquity("MSFT", res).Symbol

self.SetWarmUp(10, res)

self.msft_rsi = RelativeStrengthIndex(self.msft, 6)

def OnData(self, data):

if self.IsWarmingUp: return

self.msft_rsi.Update(self.Time, self.Securities[self.msft].Close)

self.Log(f"MSFTrsi: {self.msft_rsi}")

if self.msft_rsi >= 80:

self.Log(f"rsiabove80")***Another (probably simple issue) has me scratching my head. I get the following error when checking the rsi by running the code above:
Runtime Error: TypeError : Cannot get managed object
at OnData
if self.msft_rsi >= 80:
at Python.Runtime.PyObject.Invoke (Python.Runtime.PyTuple args in 35
TypeError : Cannot get managed object (Open Stacktrace)
 ***Without the if self.msft_rsi>=80 statement, log shows numbers... Is the result a string instead of an actual number? I'm an old c++ programmer, so I'm still trying to learning Python. Thank you in advance.