I'm exploring the use of portfolio metrics to evaluate asset performance (after all, portfolio equity over time and asset price over time are both time series).  

So far i'm able to easily calculate % return and sharpe ratio (there's actually an indicator for sharpe), but I need a little guidance in calculating Drawdown percent for a stock over a period of time, using the in-built statistics method: 

In the docs for Statistics.DrawdownPercent,  i see the following method signature:

public static decimal DrawdownPercent(
SortedDictionary<DateTime,decimal> equityOverTime,
int rounding

But there's no details of what is expected for 'equityOverTime'. Looking at C#'s definition of a 'SortedDictionary', it seems this is a dictionary where the key is a datetime. However, in the docs for Statistics.DrawdownValue, (a related method) it refers to "equityOverTime" as  "Array of portfolio value over time", suggesting it is a literal array (ie: a list) of floats (doubles). 

Any thoughts on what should actually be used for 'equityOverTime'?