I'm interested in using modules to design algorithms, but i'm having trouble working out how this works within the API. I should mention i'm fairly new to Quantconnect and to python more generally. So I apologise if i'm missing something obvious.
I've read what's available here:
but i don't feel like it's enough to get me going. I've attached an algorithm that I was playing with to use some existing modules. I see the imported modules at the top, but I really don't know enough about this to see how I should make use of these modules.
I'd appreciate any help in understanding how to use a module, how I can write my own modules, and in particular, i'd love to see an example algorithm where the framework has been used as it is described in the the documentation linked above.
Many thanks,
Varad Kabade
Hi Luke,
Welcome to QuantConnect.
I see the imported modules at the top, but I really don't know enough about this to see how I should make use of these modules.
We recommend going through the implementation of the modules you are trying to use. Refer to the following link.
how I can write my own modules,
To write your own module we need to create a class and implement specific methods which are mentioned the docs regarding each component of the framework [Universe models , AlphaModel, PCT, ExecutionModel].
i'd love to see an example algorithm where the framework has been used as it is described in the documentation linked above.
You can find example algorithms using the framework here. Some are here as follows [1, 2, 3].
I've attached an algorithm that I was playing with to use some existing modules
You have not attached a backtest. attach a backtest for further assistance.
Varad Kabade
Luke Blades
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