I am currently doing some tests with an algorithm that supports parameters as input.  To do so I am updating my config.json file in my local project folder with my parameters used and running my algorithm locally.  When inspecting the backtest results folder, I don't see any trace of what parameters were used in the individual executions.  I was thinking that the ‘config’ file in the backtest folder would contain the configuration used for that particular backtest, but my parameters are not there.  Nor can I find any trace of the parameters used when doing a grep search on the contents of the backtest folder.  It would make sense for some record of the parameters used in the test be output in the backtest folder, just as there is a record of the project code used, logs, results, etc.  Recording the parameters used would be helpful in comparing results between test runs.  Is there something I'm missing or should this be added to the output in a future update?  Is it left up to the user to keep track of what parameter values are used between backtests?