Hi everyone!
I'm live-trading my algorithm with IBKR and I'm using limit orders to submit orders during extended hours, for some reason, the orders are submitted but they are not filled. I assumed that this was because I did not enable extended hours trading to be automatically applied to my orders on my IBKR Tradestation so I did but the orders are still not being filled.
Please help.
Fred Painchaud
Hi Li,
I don't know but I always thought extended hours were tradable only for some institutions, etc, not for everyone, mere mortals. That is wrong?
Cheng Li
Hi Fred,
Many brokerages allow extended hours trading, I started with FirstTrade which allowed trading between 8:00 am - 8:00 pm. Now I've got myself an IBKR Pro account which allows me to trade between 4:00 am - 8:00 pm.
But no, extended hours trading is not only for institutions, we mortals HAVE THE POWER!!!
Best regards
Alexandre Catarino
Hi Li Cheng ,
We can submit limit orders outside market hours by adding the following code in Initialize:
If we want this behavior for only some orders, we can use:
This information is available in the new documentation that we aim to release soon.
Best regards,
Cheng Li
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