Hello everyone, 

I worked quite a bit on the alpha framework and I love it! ❤️

Using equity data is a charm 🚀, however I am struggling with working towards going live with Binance. 

Mr. Goxx, the World's First Crypto-Trading Hamster, is Currently  Outperforming the S&P 500 – TechEBlogVisualization of my trading algorithm. 


I have a question towards the architecture:

  • Where to find the documentation which results in a 404
  • Binance only supports cash account brokerage in live trading, 
  • The algorithm framework only supports margin accounts 

→ is current best practice to ditch algorithm framework when going for live trading?

I have a question towards lookahead bias due to crypto selection: 

  • is there something better than importing all tickers into manual universe, and ranking by dollar volume? 


Thank you, 

