So I'm trying to get setup locally. I get its open source but a lot of the links in the readme's are invalid( and some seem to conflict with github instructions( so I assume github is the most accurate. This is the steps I've taken so far, I'll list it for troubleshooting and if anyone searches this and needs a clear step by step, here we go:

  1. Download install python3.8/pip : added it to pathway, also added PYTHONNET_ PYLL pathway to environment variables
  2. Download Anaconda - includes WRAPT / PANDAS allegedly*, also added to pathway
  3. Install .net 6- did not add to path
  4. pip install lean 
  5. Install VS Code - plus extensions (lean/Python/Pylance/C#/Docker/Remote/.net/.netwatch attach/.net install tool/Jupyter/Jupyter keymap) - extensions were recommended, I don't think I need all of them but idk
  6. Install Git
  7. Clone Lean master from github to local drive:  /VS/LeanProjects/Lean
  8. Install Docker 
  9. pip lean init in /VS/LeanProjects
  10. Update config in Launcher folder
    1. algorithm name:
    2. language: python
    3. directory: c:/…./projects/lean/
    4. debugging: true 
    5. debug method: debugpy
  11. Launch Docker
  12. Launch VS code and connect to docker
  13. open and debug
  14. Visual Code Error window: “launch:program'/com.docker.devenvironments.code/Launcher/Debug/QuantConnect.Lean.Launcher.dll' does not exist
  15. .NET Core SDK cannot be located. .Net core debugging will not be enabled


  1. Can anyone tell me what the launcher.dll is?

2 Also it is just suppose to be 'from AlgorithmsImports imports * at the top of the algorithms for local autocomplete or the long list on

Thanks a bunch