I can no longer find a way to add data issue, so I'm just starting regular topic.

There was a GOOG split this Monday on 7/18. For some reason adjusted data looks adjusted incorrectly, take a look at the price chart:


As you can see at the end of June price has a bump. Checking split events I see that there are actually two pairs of the same 20:1 split events, one at the end of June (I assume when it was reported) and another in the middle of July (when it was actually became effective, as reported in TradingView at least):


So I assume for some reason split was recorded twice and it has caused the issues.


Another weird thing I have noticed is that when I was first checking, I was getting even more weird prices:


but it didn't happen every time, like there are multiple databases with different data. Unfortunately I have deleted these backtests when I was trying to organize things for reporting.

P.S. Backtesting shows unrealistic 1774% returns, if you buy in June and hold. 

We actually had a problem with holding.UnrealizedProfit becaming -2000% on 7/18, because we had open GOOG position in live instance. I'm not sure if this was caused by the data, or it is a separate problem.

Anyway, I hope you sort this out, this looks important.