
I am trying to implement a Schedule Event into my algo. Following documentation and other users' posts, I wrote this code: 

# region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
# endregion

class CustomIndexStrategy(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):

        self.Pair_1 = "USDJPY"
        self.holdingDays = 1
        self.SetStartDate (2020, 1, 1) 
        self.EURSEK = self.AddForex(self.Pair_1, Resolution.Daily, Market.Oanda)
        self.symbols = [self.Pair_1]
        self.prevPrices = { symbol : RollingWindow[QuoteBar](7) for symbol in self.symbols }
        self.ticketPair1 = None 
        self.ticketPair2 = None
        self.maximumholdingdays = 4
        self.volume = 2
        self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.Every(DayOfWeek.Monday, DayOfWeek.Friday), self.TimeRules.At(12, 0), self.MondayTrade)

    def OnData(self,data):
        self.quantity_1 = self.CalculateOrderQuantity(self.Pair_1 , self.volume)
        for symbol in self.symbols:
            if data.ContainsKey(symbol):
                self.prevPrices[symbol].Add( data[symbol] )

        if not all([ window.IsReady for window in self.prevPrices.values() ]):
        Pair1_window = self.prevPrices[self.Pair_1]
        Pair1_6D = Pair1_window[6].Close
        Pair1_5D = Pair1_window[5].Close
        Pair1_4D = Pair1_window[4].Close
        Pair1_3D = Pair1_window[3].Close        
        Pair1_2D = Pair1_window[2].Close
        Pair1_1D = Pair1_window[1].Close
        Pair1_0D = Pair1_window[0].Close

        if self.ticketPair2 is not None and self.Securities[self.Pair_1].Exchange.ExchangeOpen is True and self.UtcTime >= self.ticketPair2.Time + timedelta(days = self.maximumholdingdays): 
            self.ticketPair2 = None
        if self.ticketPair1 is not None and self.Securities[self.Pair_1].Exchange.ExchangeOpen is True and self.UtcTime >= self.ticketPair1.Time + timedelta(days = self.maximumholdingdays): 
            self.ticketPair1 = None
    def MondayTrade(self):
        if self.ticketPair2 is None and self.Securities[self.Pair_1].Exchange.ExchangeOpen is True and Pair1_0D < Pair1_1D < Pair1_2D < Pair1_3D < Pair1_4D   :
            self.ticketPair2 = self.MarketOrder(self.Pair_1, self.quantity_1 ) 
            self.priceLong= self.ticketPair2.AverageFillPrice

        if self.ticketPair1 is None and self.Securities[self.Pair_1].Exchange.ExchangeOpen is True and Pair1_0D > Pair1_1D > Pair1_2D > Pair1_3D > Pair1_4D  :
            self.ticketPair1 = self.MarketOrder(self.Pair_1, -self.quantity_1) 
            self.priceShort = self.ticketPair1.AverageFillPrice 

I receive this error:

name 'Pair1_0D' is not defined
  at MondayTrade
    if self.ticketPair2 is None and self.Securities[self.Pair_1].Exchange.ExchangeOpen is True and Pair1_0D < Pair1_1D < Pair1_2D < Pair1_3D < Pair1_4D   :
   at Python.Runtime.PythonException.ThrowLastAsClrException()
   at Python.Runtime.PyObject.Invoke(PyObject[] args)
   at QuantConnect.Scheduling.ScheduleManager.<>c__DisplayClass15_0.<On>b__0(String name in main.py: line 53

If I understand correctly, in the “OnData" event, each new point of data will be saved. 
By adding “ScheduleOn" event, data from “OnData” should be moved there and available to use. Therefore, I am not sure what could be causing this error. 
But to solve the issue I copied and pasted “Pair1” objects into the “ScheduleOn” event. 

# region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
# endregion

class CustomIndexStrategy(QCAlgorithm):

    def Initialize(self):

        self.Pair_1 = "USDJPY"
        self.holdingDays = 1
        self.SetStartDate (2020, 1, 1) 
        self.EURSEK = self.AddForex(self.Pair_1, Resolution.Daily, Market.Oanda)
        self.symbols = [self.Pair_1]
        self.prevPrices = { symbol : RollingWindow[QuoteBar](7) for symbol in self.symbols }
        self.ticketPair1 = None 
        self.ticketPair2 = None
        self.maximumholdingdays = 4
        self.volume = 2
        self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.Every(DayOfWeek.Monday, DayOfWeek.Friday), self.TimeRules.At(12, 0), self.MondayTrade)

    def OnData(self,data):
        self.quantity_1 = self.CalculateOrderQuantity(self.Pair_1 , self.volume)
        for symbol in self.symbols:
            if data.ContainsKey(symbol):
                self.prevPrices[symbol].Add( data[symbol] )

        if not all([ window.IsReady for window in self.prevPrices.values() ]):
        Pair1_window = self.prevPrices[self.Pair_1]
        Pair1_6D = Pair1_window[6].Close
        Pair1_5D = Pair1_window[5].Close
        Pair1_4D = Pair1_window[4].Close
        Pair1_3D = Pair1_window[3].Close        
        Pair1_2D = Pair1_window[2].Close
        Pair1_1D = Pair1_window[1].Close
        Pair1_0D = Pair1_window[0].Close

        if self.ticketPair2 is not None and self.Securities[self.Pair_1].Exchange.ExchangeOpen is True and self.UtcTime >= self.ticketPair2.Time + timedelta(days = self.maximumholdingdays): 
            self.ticketPair2 = None
        if self.ticketPair1 is not None and self.Securities[self.Pair_1].Exchange.ExchangeOpen is True and self.UtcTime >= self.ticketPair1.Time + timedelta(days = self.maximumholdingdays): 
            self.ticketPair1 = None
    def MondayTrade(self):
        for symbol in self.symbols:
            if data.ContainsKey(symbol):
                self.prevPrices[symbol].Add( data[symbol] )

        if not all([ window.IsReady for window in self.prevPrices.values() ]):
        Pair1_window = self.prevPrices[self.Pair_1]
        Pair1_6D = Pair1_window[6].Close
        Pair1_5D = Pair1_window[5].Close
        Pair1_4D = Pair1_window[4].Close
        Pair1_3D = Pair1_window[3].Close        
        Pair1_2D = Pair1_window[2].Close
        Pair1_1D = Pair1_window[1].Close
        Pair1_0D = Pair1_window[0].Close
        if self.ticketPair2 is None and self.Securities[self.Pair_1].Exchange.ExchangeOpen is True and Pair1_0D < Pair1_1D < Pair1_2D < Pair1_3D < Pair1_4D   :
            self.ticketPair2 = self.MarketOrder(self.Pair_1, self.quantity_1 ) 
            self.priceLong= self.ticketPair2.AverageFillPrice

        if self.ticketPair1 is None and self.Securities[self.Pair_1].Exchange.ExchangeOpen is True and Pair1_0D > Pair1_1D > Pair1_2D > Pair1_3D > Pair1_4D  :
            self.ticketPair1 = self.MarketOrder(self.Pair_1, -self.quantity_1) 
            self.priceShort = self.ticketPair1.AverageFillPrice 

And this error pups up: 

name 'data' is not defined
  at MondayTrade
    if data.ContainsKey(symbol):
   at Python.Runtime.PythonException.ThrowLastAsClrException()
   at Python.Runtime.PyObject.Invoke(PyObject[] args)
   at QuantConnect.Scheduling.ScheduleManager.<>c__DisplayClass15_0.<On>b__0(String name in main.py: line 54

Could you please provide me with some guidance on how to approach this issue? It's my first time using the Schedule Event as so far I have been working only with “OnData” and I am slightly confused.

Thank you!