Hi All, I'm fairly new to QuantConnect, but really enjoying the power it gives me to tailor my algorithms to the detail that I'd want. I'm working on Universe Selection for a trend following strategy right now, and want to do the following:


  • Average Daily Dollar Volume for last 20 days > $50M
  • Price > 5
  • SMA(Close, 25) > SMA(Close, 50)



  • Rank by highest price percentage increase over last 200 trading days: Close / Close[200]


I have no clue if I'm doing this in the most efficient way. Specifically, I'm pulling history data for every security on a daily basis in order to compute the rank score.

I also realize that since I'm using indicators, I probably need to warm up the data so that I have some values on the start date. I ran SetWarmUp in the Initialize method, but not sure if that data is getting sent to the CoarseFilter method or not. It didn't seem like it was working. Worst case, I don't mind waiting for the indicators to be ready, but I wasn't sure how to make that work with Universe selection either.

Any help to solve the filtering and ranking I'm trying to do in the best way would be greatly appreciated!




# region imports
from AlgorithmImports import *
# endregion

class TrendFollowing(QCAlgorithm):
    def Initialize(self):
        self.SetStartDate(2022, 1, 1)  # Set Start Date
        self.SetEndDate(2022, 9, 25)
        self.SetCash(100000)  # Set Strategy Cash

        self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Daily
        self.stateData = {}

        #self.SetWarmUp(50, Resolution.Daily)


    def CoarseFilter(self, coarse: List[CoarseFundamental]) -> List[Symbol]:
        for c in coarse:
            if c.Symbol not in self.stateData:
                self.stateData[c.Symbol] = SelectionData(c.Symbol, c.HasFundamentalData)

            avg = self.stateData[c.Symbol]
                price_200 = self.History(c.Symbol, 200, Resolution.Daily)["close"]
                avg.update(c.Time, c.Price, c.DollarVolume, price_200[-1])

        symbols = [x for x in self.stateData.values() if x.sma_dv_20.Current.Value > 5000000and x.price > 5 and x.has_fundamental_data and x.sma_price_25.Current.Value > x.sma_price_50.Current.Value]

        symbols.sort(key=lambda x: x.price_200_ratio, reverse=True)                                                        

        list_of_symbols = [x.symbol for x in symbols]
        return list_of_symbols

    def onData(self, data):

class SelectionData(object):
    def __init__(self, symbol, has_fundamental_data):
        self.symbol = symbol
        self.has_fundamental_data = has_fundamental_data
        self.price = 0.0
        self.price_200_ratio = 0.0
        self.sma_dv_20 = SimpleMovingAverage(20)
        self.sma_price_25 = SimpleMovingAverage(25)
        self.sma_price_50 = SimpleMovingAverage(50)

    def update(self, time, price, dollar_volume, price_200):
        self.sma_dv_20.Update(time, dollar_volume)
        self.sma_price_25.Update(time, price)
        self.sma_price_50.Update(time, price)
        self.price = price
        self.price_200_ratio = price / price_200