Hello, I'm new, I just started using lean and jupyterlab in the research environment on my own computer

I'm reading from below link to use ‘History’ to request data, according the document, the jupyterlab is supposed to display dataframe in html table, but in my jupyterlab, the dataframe returned from History call is not displayed

I double checked by using ‘type()’ function for the variable that holds the return of ‘History’ call, the variable type is ‘pandas.core.frame.DataFrame’

did I miss any setup or something? How can I display dataframe returned from History as html table?

my code in notebook:

qb = QuantBook()
qb.SetStartDate(2021, 4, 1)
qb.SetEndDate(2022, 3, 31)
spy = qb.AddEquity("SPY")
history = qb.History(spy.Symbol, Resolution.Daily) # type(history) = pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

thank you!