Hello, I am trying to add weekly options to options universe, but using IncludeWeeklys() or even OnlyWeeklys() don't seem to work for me.

Consider this sample project, it always returns the same number of contracts. I am using option.SetFilter() with custom filter function:

    def OptionsFilter(self, option_filter_universe):
        monthly = len([x for x in option_filter_universe.StandardsOnly()])
        weekly = len([x for x in option_filter_universe.WeeklysOnly()])
        both = len([x for x in option_filter_universe.IncludeWeeklys()])
        self.Log(f"monthly: {monthly}; weekly: {weekly}; both: {both}")
        return option_filter_universe.Contracts([])

Here is the log:

2022-10-03 09:31:00 : monthly: 1770; weekly: 1770; both: 1770
2022-10-04 09:31:00 : monthly: 1770; weekly: 1770; both: 1770
2022-10-05 09:31:00 : monthly: 1770; weekly: 1770; both: 1770
2022-10-06 09:31:00 : monthly: 1862; weekly: 1862; both: 1862


Perhaps I am doing something wrong, or is this a bug?