I have created a new chart in Initialize and added new series to that chart. I can successfully plot the daily open and ema from OnData, but can't find a way to plot the candles.

I can plot OHCL data separately but can't figure out how to plot them together.

from datetime import timedelta
from AlgorithmImports import *

TP = 0.5
SL = 0.25

class DayOpenEma(QCAlgorithm):
    def Initialize(self):
        self.SetStartDate(2022, 1, 1)  # Set Start Date
        self.SetEndDate(2022, 1, 10)  # Set End Date
        self.SetCash(10000)  # Set Strategy Cash
        self.AddForex(STOCK, Resolution.Minute)
        #constructing 3h candles
        self.stock = self.Consolidate(STOCK,timedelta(hours=3),self.OnThreeHourCandle)
        self.ema = self.EMA(STOCK,3,Resolution.Hour)

        # warming up the ema
        self.SetWarmup(3, Resolution.Hour)

        overlayPlot = Chart("Overlay Plot")
        overlayPlot.AddSeries(Series(STOCK, SeriesType.Candle, 0))
        #overlayPlot.AddSeries(Series("Buy", SeriesType.Scatter, 1))
        #overlayPlot.AddSeries(Series("Sell", SeriesType.Scatter, 0))
        overlayPlot.AddSeries(Series("EMA", SeriesType.Line, 0))
        overlayPlot.AddSeries(Series("Day Open", SeriesType.Line, 0))
        self.PlotIndicator("Overlay Plot",STOCK,self.stock)

        # used to create daily open
        self.previous_day = 0
        self.day_open = 0
        # used to create bracket orders
        self.entry_ticket = None
        # used to cancel the limit order after 24h
        self.entry_ticket_time = None
        self.order_timer = False

    # handles the orders
    def OnOrderEvent(self, orderEvent):
        if orderEvent.Status != OrderStatus.Filled:
        if self.entry_ticket is not None:
            # if main order is filled
            if orderEvent.OrderId == self.entry_ticket.OrderId:
                # cancelling the 24h order expiration
                self.order_timer = False
                self.entry_ticket_time = None
                # getting price and quantity of the fill
                price = orderEvent.FillPrice
                quantity = orderEvent.FillQuantity
                # if order was long
                if quantity>0:
                    # placing TP and SL
                    self.LimitOrder(STOCK, -quantity, round(price*(1+TP/100),5))
                    self.StopMarketOrder(STOCK, -quantity, round(price*(1-SL/100),5))

                # if order was short
                if quantity<0:
                    # placing TP and SL
                    self.LimitOrder(STOCK, -quantity, round(price*(1-TP/100),5))
                    self.StopMarketOrder(STOCK, -quantity, round(price*(1+SL/100),5))
            # if TP or SL order is filled
                self.entry_ticket = None          

    # every 3h candle
    def OnThreeHourCandle(self,bar):
        # warming up the ema indicator
        if self.IsWarmingUp:
        # getting the data
        candleOpen = self.Securities[STOCK].Open
        candleClose = self.Securities[STOCK].Close
        candleTime = self.Time
        ema = self.ema.Current.Value
        dayOpen = self.day_open
        # creating day open
        if candleTime.day != self.previous_day:
            self.previous_day = candleTime.day
            self.day_open = candleOpen
            dayOpen = candleOpen
        #self.Plot("Overlay Plot", STOCK, self.stock)
        self.Plot("Overlay Plot", "EMA", self.ema.Current.Value)    
        self.Plot("Overlay Plot", "Day Open", self.day_open)
        # handles the order expiration
        if self.order_timer:
            # if todays day is greater than the day of the order
            # if today hour is equal or bigger than the hour of the order
            # means that 24 hours have passed from the order submission to now
            if candleTime.day > self.entry_ticket_time.day:
                if candleTime.hour >= self.entry_ticket_time.hour:
                    # the order is cancelled 
                    # order is removed
                    self.entry_ticket = None
                    # order timer is cancelled
                    self.order_timer = False
                    self.entry_ticket_time = None
        # if we are not in the market
        if not self.Portfolio.Invested and self.entry_ticket is None:
            #self.Log("Candle Open:" + str(candleOpen))
            #self.Log("Candle Close:" + str(candleClose))
            #self.Log("EMA:" + str(ema))
            #self.Log("Day Open:" + str(self.dayOpen))
            # buy signal
            if candleClose > dayOpen and candleClose > ema:
                candleRange = Math.Abs(candleClose - candleOpen)
                limitPrice = round(candleClose - 0.25 * candleRange,5)
                quantity = self.CalculateOrderQuantity(STOCK, 1)
                self.entry_ticket = self.LimitOrder(STOCK, quantity, limitPrice)
                self.entry_ticket_time = candleTime
                self.order_timer = True
            # sell signal
            if candleClose < dayOpen and candleClose < ema:
                candleRange = Math.Abs(candleOpen - candleClose)
                limitPrice = round(candleClose + 0.25 * candleRange,5)
                quantity = - self.CalculateOrderQuantity(STOCK, 1)
                self.entry_ticket = self.LimitOrder(STOCK, quantity, limitPrice)
                self.entry_ticket_time = candleTime
                self.order_timer = True