
I'm running into a key exception error. I am trying to backtest locally, with data downloaded from yahoo finance.

       self.symbol = self.AddData(YahooData, "SPY", Resolution.Daily).Symbol


20230116 08:56:06.488 ERROR:: Runtime Error: Trying to retrieve an element from a collection using a key that does not exist in that collection throws
a KeyError exception. To prevent the exception, ensure that the Close key exist in the collection and/or that collection is not empty.
 at get_loc
   raise KeyError(key) from err
in base.py: line 3631
 at __getitem__
   indexer = self.columns.get_loc(key)
in /opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/frame.py: line 3505
 at calculate_signal
   hist = self.History(symbols in /LeanCLI/main.py: line 99

Trying to retrieve an element from a collection using a key that does not exist in that collection throws a KeyError exception. To prevent the exception, ensure
that the Close key exist in the collection and/or that collection is not empty.
 at get_loc
   raise KeyError(key) from err
in base.py: line 3631
 at __getitem__
   indexer = self.columns.get_loc(key)
in /opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pandas/core/frame.py: line 3505
 at calculate_signal
   hist = self.History(symbols in /LeanCLI/main.py: line 99


Maybe the problem has to do with the fact that I am backtesting locally, and does not contain time, only dates. However, my coded needs Scheduler Function which necessarily must use DateRules aswell as TimeRules. 

Any ideas how to fix this?
