
I have the following code for continuous WTI futures access:

self.AddFuture(Futures.Energies.CrudeOilWTI, extendedMarketHours=True)

I checked the price back in 2007 and 2008. I found up to $500 or $600 prices. So obviously the price of the continuous contract has been adjusted. But the documentation says “add_future” call has both “data_mapping_mode” and “data_normalization_mode” set to None by default, which should technically be “no adjustment" perhaps? But clearly it is adjusted.

So I'm wondering by default what does it do in terms of adjustment, like how the date is chosen and which method is used? I'm trying to reproduce and the closest setting is BACKWARDS_RATIO + OPEN_INTEREST, but even these settings don't match the price exactly.
