I am trying to have a basic momentum strategy but am unable to generate any trades
Can you please help me find the issue
from AlgorithmImports import *
from System.Collections.Generic import Dictionary
import numpy as np
class EqualWeightLongShort(QCAlgorithm):
def Initialize(self):
self.SetStartDate(2020, 1, 1)
self.SetEndDate(2021, 12, 31)
self.spy = self.AddEquity("SPY", Resolution.Daily).Symbol
self.ivv = self.AddEquity("IVV", Resolution.Daily).Symbol
# Dow Jones constituents as of 2021
self.dow_jones_symbols = [
"AAPL", "AMGN", "AXP", "BA", "CAT", "CRM", "CSCO", "CVX", "DIS", "DOW",
"GS", "HD", "HON", "IBM", "INTC", "JNJ", "JPM", "KO", "MCD", "MMM",
"MRK", "MSFT", "NKE", "PG", "TRV", "UNH", "V", "VZ", "WBA", "WMT"
self.symbols = [self.AddEquity(symbol, Resolution.Daily).Symbol for symbol in self.dow_jones_symbols]
self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Daily
self.lookback = 21
self.week_lookback = 7
self.two_week_lookback = 12
self.long_list = []
self.short_list = []
self.max_allocation = 0.05
def OnData(self, data):
if not self.symbols:
for symbol in self.symbols:
if symbol not in data or not data[symbol] or not self.Securities[symbol].HasData:
current_bar = data[symbol]
history = self.History(symbol, self.lookback + 2, Resolution.Daily)
if len(history) < self.lookback + 2:
high_prices = history['high'].values
low_prices = history['low'].values
close_prices = history['close'].values
max_high = np.max(high_prices[-22:-5])
min_low = np.min(low_prices[-22:-5])
week_low = np.min(low_prices[-self.week_lookback:-5])
two_week_low = np.min(low_prices[-self.two_week_lookback:-5])
week_to_two_week_low = np.min(low_prices[-self.two_week_lookback:-7])
week_high = np.max(high_prices[-self.week_lookback:-5])
yesterday_close = close_prices[-2]
# Long entry condition
if max_high >= 20 and symbol not in self.long_list:
if symbol in self.short_list:
if yesterday_close >= max_high and symbol not in self.long_list:
if symbol in self.short_list:
# Short entry condition
if yesterday_close <= min_low and symbol not in self.short_list:
if symbol in self.long_list:
# Long exit conditions
if symbol in self.long_list:
if yesterday_close <= week_to_two_week_low:
# Short exit conditions
if symbol in self.short_list:
if history['high'].iloc[-2] > week_high:
def Rebalance(self):
# Remove symbols with zero quantity from lists
for symbol in list(self.Portfolio.Keys):
if self.Portfolio[symbol].Quantity == 0:
if symbol in self.long_list:
if symbol in self.short_list:
num_longs = len([s for s in self.long_list if s != self.spy])
num_shorts = len([s for s in self.short_list if s != self.ivv])
long_allocation = min(self.max_allocation, 1.0 / max(num_longs, 1))
short_allocation = min(self.max_allocation, 1.0 / max(num_shorts, 1))
total_long_allocation = long_allocation * num_longs
total_short_allocation = short_allocation * num_shorts
spy_allocation = 1 - total_long_allocation
ivv_allocation = 1 - total_short_allocation
# Place orders for long positions
for symbol in self.long_list:
if symbol != self.spy:
self.SetHoldings(symbol, long_allocation)
# Place orders for short positions
for symbol in self.short_list:
if symbol != self.ivv:
self.SetHoldings(symbol, -short_allocation)
def OnOrderEvent(self, orderEvent):
if orderEvent.Status == OrderStatus.Filled:
order = self.Transactions.GetOrderById(orderEvent.OrderId)
symbol = order.Symbol
if order.Direction == OrderDirection.Sell and symbol in self.long_list:
elif order.Direction == OrderDirection.Buy and symbol in self.short_list:
def OnEndOfDay(self):
self.Log(f"End of Day: {self.Time}, Long List: {self.long_list}, Short List: {self.short_list}")
Louis Szeto
Hi Tushar
The main problem is in line 78-84:
you are removing every stock in each list, since no stock will have non-zero quantity before opening position.
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Tushar Verma
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