I am new to QuantConnect and have been using AI to assist me in making the algorithm I want. I want my program to filter stocks that are between 2-20 dollars, have a small market cap, and have increased by at least ten percent in the past hour. I only want my program to invest in one of these stocks if the MACD is bullish and it has a relative volume of 5 over the past fifty days. Then the program will sell when the stock grows by 5% or stops out at 98% of the original investment.

I'm not sure what is wrong with the code, but it never placed any orders. I'll include the code below and if you have any suggestions that would be greatly appreciated!

from AlgorithmImports import *

class OpeningGapStrategy(QCAlgorithm):
   def Initialize(self):
       self.SetStartDate(2022, 1, 1)   # Set Start Date
       self.SetEndDate(2024, 1, 1)     # Set End Date
       self.SetCash(1000)              # Set Strategy Cash

       self.stocks = []  # List to hold our stocks
       self.stop_loss_percent = 0.98
       self.take_profit_percent = 1.05

       # Define the trading hours
       self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay(), self.TimeRules.At(9, 30), self.ScanForStocks)
       self.Schedule.On(self.DateRules.EveryDay(), self.TimeRules.At(10, 30), self.CheckAndBuy)  # Check one hour after market open

   def ScanForStocks(self):
       # Initialize the universe with filtering criteria
       self.Debug("Scanning for stocks")

   def UniverseFilter(self, coarse):
       # Filter for small cap stocks with price between $2 and $20
       filtered_symbols = [x.Symbol for x in coarse
                           if x.MarketCap < 2e9 and 2 < x.Price < 20]
       self.Debug(f"Filtered Symbols: {filtered_symbols}")
       return filtered_symbols

   def CheckAndBuy(self):
       if not self.ActiveSecurities:
           self.Debug("No active securities.")

       for symbol in self.ActiveSecurities.Keys:
           if symbol in self.Portfolio and self.Portfolio[symbol].Invested:
           # Ensure the security is initialized
           security = self.Securities[symbol]
           if not security.HasData:
               self.Debug(f"No data for {symbol}")

           # Fetch historical data for the first hour
               history = self.History(symbol, 90, Resolution.Minute)  # Request more data to ensure we capture the first hour
               if history.empty or len(history) < 60:  # Ensure we have enough data for the first hour
                   self.Debug(f"Insufficient historical data for {symbol}. Data Length: {len(history)}")
               # Calculate growth percentage
               open_price = history.iloc[0].close  # Price at market open
               one_hour_later_price = history.iloc[60].close  # Price one hour later (adjust index if necessary)
               growth_percentage = (one_hour_later_price - open_price) / open_price

               # Log growth percentage
               self.Debug(f"{symbol} - Open Price: {open_price}, One Hour Later Price: {one_hour_later_price}, Growth: {growth_percentage:.2%}")

               # Check trading condition
               if growth_percentage >= 0.10:  # 10% growth
                   # Place order to buy the stock
                   quantity = self.Portfolio.Cash / self.Securities[symbol].Price  # Determine quantity based on available cash
                   self.SetHoldings(symbol, 1.0)  # Allocate 100% of the portfolio to this stock
                   self.Debug(f"Placed order for {symbol}")

                   # Set stop loss and take profit orders
                   stop_loss_price = one_hour_later_price * self.stop_loss_percent
                   take_profit_price = one_hour_later_price * self.take_profit_percent
                   self.Debug(f"Set Stop Loss at {stop_loss_price} and Take Profit at {take_profit_price}")

                   # Place stop-loss order
                   self.StopMarketOrder(symbol, quantity, stop_loss_price)
                   # Place take-profit order
                   self.LimitOrder(symbol, quantity, take_profit_price)

           except Exception as e:
               self.Debug(f"Error fetching data for {symbol}: {str(e)}")

   def OnData(self, slice):
       if not self.Portfolio.Invested:
           self.Debug("No open positions")

       for symbol in list(self.Portfolio.Keys):
           if self.Portfolio[symbol].Invested:
               price = self.Portfolio[symbol].Price
               if price <= self.stop_loss_price or price >= self.take_profit_price:
                   self.Debug(f"Liquidated {symbol} at {price}")

                   # Reset stop-loss and take-profit prices
                   self.stop_loss_price = None
                   self.take_profit_price = None