I'm in the research environment wanting to leverage parallel processing. It seems to me that I don't have the ability to do that in the Research environment. What are some ways I can do parallel processing? Or should I just do this type of research on my local using the Lean CLI?
I'm using the following code to test:
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
# Dummy function for testing parallel processing
def sample_task(x): return x ** 2
# Without parallel processing
start = time.time()
results = [sample_task(i) for i in range(1000000)]
end = time.time()
print(f"Execution time without parallel processing: {end - start:.2f} seconds")
# With parallel processing
start = time.time()
results_parallel = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(sample_task)(i) for i in range(1000000))
end = time.time()
print(f"Execution time with parallel processing: {end - start:.2f} seconds")
Mia Alissi
The QuantConnect Research Environment is primarily designed for exploratory data analysis and hypothesis testing using Jupyter notebooks. It supports Python and C#, allowing you to leverage the extensive data available in QuantConnect's Dataset Market. However, the environment has limitations when it comes to parallel processing, as it is not optimized for extensive parallel computations like a local environment might be.
Options for Parallel Processing:
Local Research with Lean CLI:
Optimize Code:
Use of Libraries like Joblib:
can be used for parallel processing, their effectiveness in the QuantConnect Research Environment may be limited due to resource constraints. Testing locally first can help determine if they meet your needs.Alternative Approaches:
Example Code:
Here's a simplified example of how you might structure your code for local execution using the Lean CLI:
For tasks requiring significant parallel processing, running your research locally using the Lean CLI is recommended. This approach allows you to fully utilize your local machine's capabilities, providing a more efficient environment for computationally intensive tasks.
Sources: Research Engine - QuantConnect.com, Research - QuantConnect.com, Getting Started - QuantConnect.com
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