Dear Sir/Madam,
I am trying to get volume of gold futures minute bar, but it seems not available. Attach the debugging screen. From WATCH part, SPY has 15 columns including volume, but gold only has 14 columns without volume. It anything wrong in add_future code? on_data method only get QuoteBar, no TradeBar. But in research.ipynb, it shows volume very well. Where is wrong in my codes? Very appreicate your help! = self.add_future(Futures.Metals.GOLD, \
resolution = Resolution.MINUTE, \
fill_forward=True, \
extended_market_hours = True, \
data_normalization_mode = DataNormalizationMode.FORWARD_PANAMA_CANAL, \
data_mapping_mode = DataMappingMode.LAST_TRADING_DAY, \
contract_depth_offset = 0).symbol
The code is very simple as following:
# QUANTCONNECT.COM - Democratizing Finance, Empowering Individuals.
# Lean Algorithmic Trading Engine v2.0. Copyright 2014 QuantConnect Corporation.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from AlgorithmImports import *
### <summary>
### Example algorithm giving an introduction into using IDataConsolidators.
### This is an advanced QC concept and requires a certain level of comfort using C# and its event system.
### What is an IDataConsolidator?
### IDataConsolidator is a plugin point that can be used to transform your data more easily.
### In this example we show one of the simplest consolidators, the TradeBarConsolidator.
### This type is capable of taking a timespan to indicate how long each bar should be, or an
### integer to indicate how many bars should be aggregated into one.
### When a new 'consolidated' piece of data is produced by the IDataConsolidator, an event is fired
### with the argument of the new data.
### </summary>
### <meta name="tag" content="using data" />
### <meta name="tag" content="consolidating data" />
class DataConsolidationAlgorithm(QCAlgorithm):
def initialize(self):
'''Initialise the data and resolution required, as well as the cash and start-end dates for your algorithm. All algorithms must initialized.'''
self.set_start_date(DateTime(2024, 10, 7, 9, 30, 0)) #Set Start Date
self.set_end_date(self.start_date + timedelta(2)) #Set End Date
# Find more symbols here:
spy = self.add_equity("SPY", Resolution.MINUTE).symbol
eur = self.add_forex("EURUSD", Resolution.MINUTE).symbol = self.add_future(Futures.Metals.GOLD, \
resolution = Resolution.MINUTE, \
fill_forward=True, \
extended_market_hours = True, \
data_normalization_mode = DataNormalizationMode.FORWARD_PANAMA_CANAL, \
data_mapping_mode = DataMappingMode.LAST_TRADING_DAY, \
contract_depth_offset = 0).symbol
spy_df = self.history(spy, 50)
gold_df = self.history(, 50)
spy_tradebardf = self.history(TradeBar, spy, 50)
gold_tradebardf = self.history(TradeBar,, 50)
'''goldconsolidator = self.Consolidate(Futures.Metals.GOLD, timedelta(minutes=30), self.gold_consolidation_handler)
self.subscription_manager.add_consolidator(value, goldconsolidator)
# define our 30 minute trade bar consolidator. we can
# access the 30 minute bar from the DataConsolidated events
thirty_minute_consolidator = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(minutes=30))
# attach our event handler. the event handler is a function that will
# be called each time we produce a new consolidated piece of data.
thirty_minute_consolidator.data_consolidated += self.thirty_minute_bar_handler
# this call adds our 30 minute consolidator to
# the manager to receive updates from the engine
self.subscription_manager.add_consolidator("SPY", thirty_minute_consolidator)
# here we'll define a slightly more complex consolidator. what we're trying to produce is
# a 3 day bar. Now we could just use a single TradeBarConsolidator like above and pass in
# TimeSpan.from_days(3), but in reality that's not what we want. For time spans of longer than
# a day we'll get incorrect results around weekends and such. What we really want are tradeable
# days. So we'll create a daily consolidator, and then wrap it with a 3 count consolidator.
# first define a one day trade bar -- this produces a consolidated piece of data after a day has passed
one_day_consolidator = TradeBarConsolidator(timedelta(1))
# next define our 3 count trade bar -- this produces a consolidated piece of data after it sees 3 pieces of data
three_count_consolidator = TradeBarConsolidator(3)
# here we combine them to make a new, 3 day trade bar. The SequentialConsolidator allows composition of
# consolidators. It takes the consolidated output of one consolidator (in this case, the one_day_consolidator)
# and pipes it through to the three_count_consolidator. His output will be a 3 day bar.
three_one_day_bar = SequentialConsolidator(one_day_consolidator, three_count_consolidator)
# attach our handler
three_one_day_bar.data_consolidated += self.three_day_bar_consolidated_handler
# this call adds our 3 day to the manager to receive updates from the engine
self.subscription_manager.add_consolidator("SPY", three_one_day_bar)
# Custom monthly consolidator
custom_monthly_consolidator = TradeBarConsolidator(self.custom_monthly)
custom_monthly_consolidator.data_consolidated += self.custom_monthly_handler
self.subscription_manager.add_consolidator("SPY", custom_monthly_consolidator)
# API convenience method for easily receiving consolidated data
self.consolidate("SPY", timedelta(minutes=45), self.forty_five_minute_bar_handler)
self.consolidate("SPY", Resolution.HOUR, self.hour_bar_handler)
self.consolidate("EURUSD", Resolution.DAILY, self.daily_eur_usd_bar_handler)
# API convenience method for easily receiving weekly-consolidated data
self.consolidate("SPY", Calendar.WEEKLY, self.calendar_trade_bar_handler)
self.consolidate("EURUSD", Calendar.WEEKLY, self.calendar_quote_bar_handler)
# API convenience method for easily receiving monthly-consolidated data
self.consolidate("SPY", Calendar.MONTHLY, self.calendar_trade_bar_handler)
self.consolidate("EURUSD", Calendar.MONTHLY, self.calendar_quote_bar_handler)
# API convenience method for easily receiving quarterly-consolidated data
self.consolidate("SPY", Calendar.QUARTERLY, self.calendar_trade_bar_handler)
self.consolidate("EURUSD", Calendar.QUARTERLY, self.calendar_quote_bar_handler)
# API convenience method for easily receiving yearly-consolidated data
self.consolidate("SPY", Calendar.YEARLY, self.calendar_trade_bar_handler)
self.consolidate("EURUSD", Calendar.YEARLY, self.calendar_quote_bar_handler)
# some securities may have trade and quote data available, so we can choose it based on TickType:
#self.consolidate("BTCUSD", Resolution.HOUR, TickType.TRADE, self.hour_bar_handler) # to get TradeBar
#self.consolidate("BTCUSD", Resolution.HOUR, TickType.QUOTE, self.hour_bar_handler) # to get QuoteBar (default)
self.consolidated_hour = False
self.consolidated45_minute = False'''
self.__last = None
def on_data(self, data):
if in data.Keys and data[] is not None:
bar = data[]
if isinstance(bar, TradeBar):
volume = bar.volume
close_price = bar.close
self.log(f"TradeBar for Gold Volume: {volume}, Close Price: {close_price}")
elif isinstance(bar, QuoteBar):
# Use bid or ask sizes as volume, if available
volume = bar.last_bid_size if bar.last_bid_size is not None else bar.last_ask_size
close_price = bar.close
self.log(f"QuoteBar for Gold Volume: {volume}, Close Price: {close_price}")
def on_end_of_day(self):
# close up shop each day and reset our 'last' value so we start tomorrow fresh
self.__last = None
def gold_consolidation_handler(self, sender, consolidated):
self.log('gold_consolidation_handler volume='+str(consolidated.volume)+',price = '+str(consolidated.close))
def thirty_minute_bar_handler(self, sender, consolidated):
'''This is our event handler for our 30 minute trade bar defined above in Initialize(). So each time the
consolidator produces a new 30 minute bar, this function will be called automatically. The 'sender' parameter
will be the instance of the IDataConsolidator that invoked the event, but you'll almost never need that!'''
self.log('thirty_minute_bar_handler volume='+str(consolidated.volume))
if self.__last is not None and consolidated.close > self.__last.close:
self.log(f"{consolidated.time} >> SPY >> LONG >> 100 >> {self.portfolio['SPY'].quantity}")
self.order("SPY", 100)
elif self.__last is not None and consolidated.close < self.__last.close:
self.log(f"{consolidated.time} >> SPY >> SHORT >> 100 >> {self.portfolio['SPY'].quantity}")
self.order("SPY", -100)
self.__last = consolidated
def three_day_bar_consolidated_handler(self, sender, consolidated):
''' This is our event handler for our 3 day trade bar defined above in Initialize(). So each time the
consolidator produces a new 3 day bar, this function will be called automatically. The 'sender' parameter
will be the instance of the IDataConsolidator that invoked the event, but you'll almost never need that!'''
self.log('three_day_bar_consolidated_handler volume='+str(consolidated.volume))
self.log(f"{consolidated.time} >> Plotting!")
self.plot(consolidated.symbol.value, "3HourBar", consolidated.close)
def forty_five_minute_bar_handler(self, consolidated):
''' This is our event handler for our 45 minute consolidated defined using the Consolidate method'''
self.log('forty_five_minute_bar_handler volume='+str(consolidated.volume))
self.consolidated45_minute = True
self.log(f"{consolidated.end_time} >> FortyFiveMinuteBarHandler >> {consolidated.close}")
def hour_bar_handler(self, consolidated):
'''This is our event handler for our one hour consolidated defined using the Consolidate method'''
self.log('hour_bar_handler volume='+str(consolidated.volume))
self.consolidated_hour = True
self.log(f"{consolidated.end_time} >> FortyFiveMinuteBarHandler >> {consolidated.close}")
def daily_eur_usd_bar_handler(self, consolidated):
'''This is our event handler for our daily consolidated defined using the Consolidate method'''
self.log(f"{consolidated.end_time} EURUSD Daily consolidated.")
def calendar_trade_bar_handler(self, trade_bar):
self.log('calendar_trade_bar_handler volume='+str(trade_bar.volume))
self.log(f'{self.time} :: {trade_bar.time} {trade_bar.close}')
def calendar_quote_bar_handler(self, quote_bar):
self.log(f'{self.time} :: {quote_bar.time} {quote_bar.close}')
def custom_monthly(self, dt):
'''Custom Monthly Func'''
start = dt.replace(day=1).date()
end = dt.replace(day=28) + timedelta(4)
end = (end - timedelta(
return CalendarInfo(start, end - start)
def custom_monthly_handler(self, sender, consolidated):
'''This is our event handler Custom Monthly function'''
self.log('custom_monthly_handler volume='+str(consolidated.volume))
self.log(f"{consolidated.time} >> CustomMonthlyHandler >> {consolidated.close}")
'''def on_end_of_algorithm(self):
if not self.consolidated_hour:
raise Exception("Expected hourly consolidator to be fired.")
if not self.consolidated45_minute:
raise Exception("Expected 45-minute consolidator to be fired.")'''
Mia Alissi
To address the issue of not receiving volume data for gold futures in your algorithm, let's review the key areas that might be causing this problem:
Data Subscription and Configuration: Ensure that the gold futures contract is correctly subscribed to receive
data, which includes volume information. Theadd_future
method should be configured to requestTradeBar
data.Data Handling in
Method: Verify that theOnData
method is correctly accessingTradeBar
data for the gold futures contract. If onlyQuoteBar
data is being received, it may indicate a configuration issue.Consolidation and Volume Handling: Ensure that the consolidation handler is correctly processing
data and extracting the volume information.Let's review the code snippets provided:
Data Subscription: The
method is correctly configured to request minute resolution data. However, ensure that the data provider supportsTradeBar
data with volume for the specified futures contract.Consolidation Handler: The
method is set up to handleTradeBar
data. Ensure that thetrade_bar.Volume
is being accessed correctly.OnData Method: The
method checks for the presence of gold futures data and logs the volume and price. Ensure thatTradeBar
data is being
Data Subscription: Similar to
, theadd_future
method is configured correctly. Double-check that the data provider supportsTradeBar
data with volume.Consolidation Handler: The
method updates the volume and price for gold futures. Ensure thattrade_bar.Volume
is being accessed correctly.OnData Method: The
method logs the volume and price. Ensure thatTradeBar
data is being received.Recommendations
Verify Data Provider: Confirm that the data provider supports
data with volume for the gold futures contract. Some data providers may only provideQuoteBar
data without volume.Check Data Normalization and Mapping Modes: Ensure that the data normalization and mapping modes are set correctly to receive the expected data. The current settings seem appropriate, but verify with the data provider's documentation.
Debugging and Logging: Add additional logging to confirm whether
data is being received and processed. This can help identify if the issue is with data subscription or handling.Consult Data Provider Documentation: If the issue persists, consult the data provider's documentation or support to confirm the availability of
data with volume for the specified futures contract.By following these steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the issue with receiving volume data for gold futures in your algorithm.
Sources: Requesting Data -, US Futures -, Requesting Data -, Handling Data -, Commodities Futures Trend Following
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Yu Qing Huang
The material on this website is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation to buy, or a recommendation or endorsement for any security or strategy, nor does it constitute an offer to provide investment advisory services by QuantConnect. In addition, the material offers no opinion with respect to the suitability of any security or specific investment. QuantConnect makes no guarantees as to the accuracy or completeness of the views expressed in the website. The views are subject to change, and may have become unreliable for various reasons, including changes in market conditions or economic circumstances. All investments involve risk, including loss of principal. You should consult with an investment professional before making any investment decisions.
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