I am working offline with lean and generated some option data:

sudo lean data generate --start 20241201 --end 20241207 --tickers xyz --security-type option --resolution Minute


Afterwards I read the data into a Data frame:

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

qb = QuantBook()
start_date = datetime(2024,1, 1)
end_date = datetime(2024, 12, 31)
symbol = qb.add_equity("xyz", Resolution.MINUTE).symbol

index_option = qb.add_option(symbol, 'xyz')
index_option.set_filter(lambda u: u.include_weeklys().expiration(0, 0).strikes(-1,-1) )  #.calls_only().expiration(20, 280).delta(0.3,0.5))
option_history = qb.option_history(index_option.symbol, start_date, end_date, Resolution.MINUTE, fill_forward=False, extended_market_hours=False)

I exepected an dataframe with option data, but got this:


My question is: How do I create fake option data for the local environment.