I ran this strategy based on custom data accessed via Google drive/Dropbox.
It is reading the data into Pandas frame and based on the logic, it is executing trades both long and short. However it seems like it is aborting at this Row Number: Symbol BE DateTime 9/1/2023 12:30:00 PM Open 15.33 High 15.33 Low ...
and is not fully processing remainder of the data. This was for symbol BE
THere's another link on the script for TSLA which seems to have executed successfully all the way. can someone point why it is aborting early?
I also have some code to liquidate if open positions exist. not sure that is firing properly..
Mia Alissi
Sources: Bybit Crypto Futures Regression Algorithm, Bybit Custom Data Crypto Regression Algorithm, Bybit Crypto Regression Algorithm, Consolidate Regression Algorithm, Register Indicator Regression Algorithm
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Suresh Venkat
Backtest of new code is generating same results..
Louis Szeto
Hi Suresh
The problem is coming from the scheduled event. On its current settings, it runs even on non-trading days (e.g. weekends) and non-trading hours (every hour of all 24 hours in a day). Thus, it quickly runs out of rows from the dataframe and fills with inaccurate data. I made some changes, but the best way is to actually stream the data instead of bulk downloading.
Also, there is a problem with the long/short flag. Since they are not mutually exclusive, you should set the short flag to False when setting the long flag to True, and vice versa.
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Suresh Venkat
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