Hello together i´m new on quantconnect. I have a code frome quantopian and i would like to run this live on quantconnect, but it is not running....is anybody out there that can help me. thank you

from quantopian.algorithm import attach_pipeline, pipeline_output from quantopian.pipeline import Pipeline from quantopian.pipeline.factors import CustomFactor, SimpleMovingAverage, Latest from quantopian.pipeline.data.builtin import USEquityPricing from quantopian.pipeline.data import morningstar, Fundamentals import numpy as np import pandas as pd from scipy import stats import talib import datetime import calendar # https://www.quantopian.com/posts/value-momentum-and-trend #ALGORITHM INITIAL STATES START_HOLD = 0 START_CASH = 0 START_HEDGED = 0 START_NEW_TOP_TEN = 1 START_BALANCE = 0 START_STATES = [START_HOLD, \ START_CASH, \ START_HEDGED, \ START_NEW_TOP_TEN, \ START_BALANCE] # DASHBOARD CONFFESSIONAL HISTORY_PERIOD = 200 MAX_POSITIONS = 10 HEDGE_CHECK_INTERVAL = 22 BOND_SMA_DAYS = 200 GOLD_SMA_DAYS = 200 ######### STRATEGY DASHBOARD ######### ###################################### #TODO Set this to true to rebalance immediately #REBALANCE_IMMEDIATE = True # Use the GLD and TLT MA strat 50% max from either, cash otherwise S_GLD_TLT_MA = False # Use the GLD and TLT MA, if both below, go to SHY S_GLD_TLT_SHY_MA = True # Suppress or enable end of day logging (disable for BT performance) SUPPRESS_LOGGING = False def initialize(context): set_asset_restrictions(security_lists.restrict_leveraged_etfs) schedule_function(rebalance_new_top_ten, date_rule=date_rules.month_start(), time_rule=time_rules.market_open()) #schedule_function(hedge_check, #date_rule=date_rules.every_day(), #time_rule=time_rules.market_open()) schedule_function(record_things, date_rule=date_rules.every_day(), time_rule=time_rules.market_close()) context.mkt = symbol('SPY') #sid(8554) # SPY - Large cap Market cap weighted index context.spy = symbol('SPY') #sid(8554) context.rsp = symbol('RSP') #sid(8554) context.tlt = symbol('TLT') #sid(23921) #10 year treasury context.gld = symbol('GLD') #sid(23921) #10 year treasury context.uup = symbol('UUP') #sid(23921) #10 year treasury context.shy = symbol('SHY') #sid(23921) #10 year treasury context.last_month = -1 context.days_running = 0 context.hedge_triggered_count = 0 context.value_stocks = [] context.momentum_stocks = [] context.start = True context.market = symbol('SPY') #sid(8554) context.market_window = 200 #200 context.atr_window = 80 #80 context.talib_window = context.atr_window + 5 #5 context.risk_factor = 0.003 #0.003 # 0.01 = less position, more % but more risk context.momentum_window_length = 180 #180 context.market_cap_limit = 700 # 700 original # MAKE DYNAMIC? context.rank_table_percentile = 0.30 #0.30 context.significant_position_difference = 0.1 #0.1 context.min_momentum = 30.0 #30 context.leverage_factor = 1.0 #1.0 context.use_stock_trend_filter = 0 #0 # either 0 = Off, 1 = On #NOT SURE IF THIS IS EVEN WORKING context.sma_window_length = 200 #200 # Used for the stock trend filter context.use_market_trend_filter = 1 #1 # either 0 = Off, 1 = On. Filter on SPY context.use_average_true_range = 1 #1 # either 0 = Off, 1 = On. Manage risk with individual stock volatility context.average_true_rage_multipl_factor = 2.0 #2.0 # Change the weight of the ATR. 1327% attach_pipeline(make_pipeline(context, context.sma_window_length, context.market_cap_limit), 'screen') attach_pipeline(make_value_stocks_pipeline(context), 'value_stocks') # Schedule my rebalance function schedule_function(rebalance, date_rules.month_start(), time_rules.market_open(hours=0.1)) # Cancel all open orders at the end of each day. schedule_function(cancel_open_orders, date_rules.every_day(), time_rules.market_close()) #set_slippage(slippage.FixedSlippage(spread=0.00)) def before_trading_start(context, data): ''' Gather some data related to the current day and time ''' context.selected_universe = pipeline_output('screen') context.assets = context.selected_universe.index context.now = datetime.datetime.now() context.days_running = context.days_running + 1 context.current_month = get_datetime().month #set_market_benchmark(context, data) if context.last_month == context.current_month: return context.last_month = context.current_month set_scores(context, pipeline_output('value_stocks')) def handle_data(context, data): if context.start: set_start_state(context, data) context.start = False else: pass def set_start_state(context, data): # TODO Test this safeguard if sum(START_STATES) > 1: log.info("ERROR: Multiple start states have been set. Only one should be set, exiting.") cancel = cancel return if START_HOLD == 1: return #if START_CASH == 1: # sell_all_positions(context, data) if START_HEDGED == 1: hedge(context, data) if START_NEW_TOP_TEN == 1: rebalance_new_top_ten(context, data) rebalance(context, data) if START_BALANCE == 1: buy_stuff(context, data) def set_scores(context, df): df.sort_values('ps_ratio', ascending=True, inplace=True) df = df.head(2000) context.score = pd.Series(0, index=df.index) # EV/EBITDA, in-order (lower is better), nan goes last context.score += df['ev_to_ebitda'].rank(ascending=True, na_option='bottom') # sales yield, inverse (higher is better), nan goes last context.score += df['sales_yield'].rank(ascending=False, na_option='top') # return on invested capital, inverse (higher is better), nan goes last context.score += df['roic'].rank(ascending=False, na_option='top') print 'Number of securities that passed the filter: %d' % len(df) def rebalance_new_top_ten(context, data): ''' Sell/buy logic ''' P = data.history(context.score.index, 'price', HISTORY_PERIOD, '1d') V = data.history(context.score.index, 'volume', HISTORY_PERIOD, '1d') w = (P * V).median() w = w[w > 1.0E+06] context.score = context.score[w.index] context.value_stocks = context.score.dropna().sort_values().head(MAX_POSITIONS).index P = data.history([context.mkt], 'price', HISTORY_PERIOD, '1d') u = P[context.mkt] if u.tail(MAX_POSITIONS).median() < u.median(): log.info("Market below the median when rebalancing at month start, hedging.") hedge(context, data) else: log.info("Generating new list of top companies and buying orders using market comparison %s." % context.mkt) buy_stuff(context, data) def hedge_check(context, data): interval_triggered = (context.days_running % HEDGE_CHECK_INTERVAL == 0) okay_to_hedge = (calendar.monthrange(context.now.year, context.now.month)[1]) > 5 if(interval_triggered and okay_to_hedge): P = data.history([context.mkt], 'price', HISTORY_PERIOD, '1d') u = P[context.mkt] if u.tail(MAX_POSITIONS).median() < u.median(): log.info("Hedge Check - %s is below median, hedging." % context.mkt) hedge(context, data) def hedge(context, data): ''' Start S_LIBOR Strategy ''' options = [] ''' Start S_GLD_TLT_MA Strategy ''' if(S_GLD_TLT_MA): # Add goldz to our buy list if above SMA if(symbol_above_sma(data, context.gld, GOLD_SMA_DAYS)): options.append(context.gld) if(symbol_above_sma(data, context.tlt, BOND_SMA_DAYS)): options.append(context.tlt) ''' Start S_GLD_TLT_SHY_MA Strategy ''' if(S_GLD_TLT_SHY_MA): # Add goldz to our buy list if above SMA if(symbol_above_sma(data, context.gld, GOLD_SMA_DAYS)): options.append(context.gld) # Add bonds to our list of stocks to order if above SMA if(symbol_above_sma(data, context.tlt, BOND_SMA_DAYS)): options.append(context.tlt) if(len(options) == 0): options.append(context.shy) context.value_stocks = options buy_stuff(context, data) def buy_stuff(context, data): ''' Buys the stocks within longs ''' for s in context.portfolio.positions: if s in context.value_stocks: continue if not data.can_trade(s): continue if s in context.momentum_stocks: continue order_target(s, 0) for s in context.value_stocks: if s in security_lists.leveraged_etf_list.current_securities(get_datetime()): continue if not data.can_trade(s): continue order_target_percent(s, 0.5 / len(context.value_stocks)) def set_market_benchmark(context, data): if(context.now.time() < datetime.datetime(2003, 5, 1, 5, 0).time()): context.mkt = context.spy else: context.mkt = context.rsp def benchmark_above_sma(context, data): ''' Calculate the market's SMA for the last SMA_THRESHOLD days ''' market_sma = data.history(context.mkt, fields='price', bar_count=HISTORY_PERIOD+1, frequency='1d')[:-1].mean() current_price = data.current(context.mkt, 'price') #TODO: Replace 0 with SMA_BUFFER if you want return (current_price > ((1 + 0) * market_sma)) def symbol_above_sma(data, symbol, days): ''' Calculate the SMA for a single symbol ''' current_symbol_price = data.current(symbol, 'price') symbol_sma = data.history(symbol, fields='price', bar_count=days+1, frequency='1d')[:-1].mean() return (current_symbol_price > symbol_sma) def record_things(context, data): ''' Plot some custom signals ''' market_sma = data.history(context.mkt, fields='price', bar_count=HISTORY_PERIOD+1, frequency='1d')[:-1].mean() current_price = data.current(sid(8554), 'price') #record(MKT=current_price) #record(ACC_LEV=context.account.leverage, TOTAL=context.portfolio.portfolio_value) def cancel_open_orders(context, data): open_orders = get_open_orders() for security in open_orders: for order in open_orders[security]: cancel_order(order) #record(lever=context.account.leverage, record(Exposure=(context.account.leverage)*10) record(Fund_Value=context.portfolio.portfolio_value) pos_count = len([s for s in context.portfolio.positions if context.portfolio.positions[s].amount != 0]) record(Stocks=(pos_count)) def rebalance(context, data): highs = data.history(context.assets, "high", context.talib_window, "1d") lows = data.history(context.assets, "low", context.talib_window, "1d") closes = data.history(context.assets, "price", context.market_window, "1d") estimated_cash_balance = context.portfolio.cash slopes = closes[context.selected_universe.index].tail(context.momentum_window_length).apply(slope) print slopes.order(ascending=False).head(10) slopes = slopes[slopes > context.min_momentum] ranking_table = slopes[slopes > slopes.quantile(1 - context.rank_table_percentile)].order(ascending=False) log.info( len(ranking_table.index)) # close positions that are no longer in the top of the ranking table positions = context.portfolio.positions for security in positions: if security in context.value_stocks: continue price = data.current(security, "price") position_size = positions[security].amount if data.can_trade(security) and security not in ranking_table.index: order_target(security, 0, style=LimitOrder(price)) #MARKET ORDER if security in context.momentum_stocks: context.momentum_stocks.remove(security) estimated_cash_balance += price * position_size elif data.can_trade(security): new_position_size = get_position_size(context, highs[security], lows[security], closes[security],security) if significant_change_in_position_size(context, new_position_size, position_size): estimated_cost = price * (new_position_size * context.leverage_factor - position_size) order_target(security, new_position_size * context.leverage_factor, style=LimitOrder(price)) #MARKET ORDER context.momentum_stocks.append(security) estimated_cash_balance -= estimated_cost # Market history is not used with the trend filter disabled # Removed for efficiency if context.use_market_trend_filter: market_history = data.history(context.market, "price", context.market_window, "1d") ##SPY## current_market_price = market_history[-1] average_market_price = market_history.mean() else: average_market_price = 0 if (current_market_price > average_market_price) : #if average is 0 then jump in for security in ranking_table.index: if data.can_trade(security) and security not in context.portfolio.positions: new_position_size = get_position_size(context, highs[security], lows[security], closes[security], security) estimated_cost = data.current(security, "price") * new_position_size * context.leverage_factor if estimated_cash_balance > estimated_cost: order_target(security, new_position_size * context.leverage_factor, style=LimitOrder(data.current(security, "price"))) #MARKET ORDER context.momentum_stocks.append(security) estimated_cash_balance -= estimated_cost def get_position_size(context, highs, lows, closes, security): try: average_true_range = talib.ATR(highs.ffill().dropna().tail(context.talib_window), lows.ffill().dropna().tail(context.talib_window), closes.ffill().dropna().tail(context.talib_window), context.atr_window)[-1] # [-1] gets the last value, as all talib methods are rolling calculations# if not context.use_average_true_range: #average_true_range average_true_range = 1 #divide by 1 gives... same initial number context.average_true_rage_multipl_factor = 1 return (context.portfolio.portfolio_value * context.risk_factor) / (average_true_range * context.average_true_rage_multipl_factor) except: log.warn('Insufficient history to calculate risk adjusted size for {0.symbol}'.format(security)) return 0 def significant_change_in_position_size(context, new_position_size, old_position_size): return np.abs((new_position_size - old_position_size) / old_position_size) > context.significant_position_difference def slope_(ts): ## new version log(log(ts)) x = np.arange(len(ts)) log_ts = np.log(np.log(ts)) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x, log_ts) annualized_slope = (np.power(np.exp(slope), 250) - 1) * 100 return annualized_slope * (r_value ** 2) def slope(ts): ## new version x = np.arange(len(ts)) log_ts = np.log(ts) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x, log_ts) annualized_slope = (np.power(np.exp(slope), 250) - 1) * 100 return annualized_slope * (r_value ** 2) def slope_v(ts): # new (Vladimir) x = np.arange(len(ts)) log_ts = np.log(ts) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x, log_ts) annualized_slope = ((1 + slope)**250 -1.0) * 100 return annualized_slope * (r_value ** 2) def _slope(ts): # original (James?) x = np.arange(len(ts)) log_ts = np.log(ts) slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(x, log_ts) annualized_slope = ((1 + slope)**250 ) * 100 return annualized_slope * (r_value ** 2) class MarketCap(CustomFactor): inputs = [USEquityPricing.close, morningstar.valuation.shares_outstanding] window_length = 1 def compute(self, today, assets, out, close, shares): out[:] = close[-1] * shares[-1] def make_pipeline(context,sma_window_length, market_cap_limit): pipe = Pipeline() # Now only stocks in the top N largest companies by market cap market_cap = MarketCap() top_N_market_cap = market_cap.top(market_cap_limit) #Other filters to make sure we are getting a clean universe is_primary_share = morningstar.share_class_reference.is_primary_share.latest is_not_adr = ~morningstar.share_class_reference.is_depositary_receipt.latest #### TREND FITLER ############## #### We don't want to trade stocks that are below their sma_window_length(100) moving average price. if context.use_stock_trend_filter: latest_price = USEquityPricing.close.latest sma = SimpleMovingAverage(inputs=[USEquityPricing.close], window_length=sma_window_length) above_sma = (latest_price > sma) initial_screen = (above_sma & top_N_market_cap & is_primary_share & is_not_adr) log.info("Init: Stock trend filter ON") else: #### TREND FITLER OFF ############## initial_screen = (top_N_market_cap & is_primary_share & is_not_adr) log.info("Init: Stock trend filter OFF") pipe.add(market_cap, "market_cap") pipe.set_screen(initial_screen) return pipe def make_value_stocks_pipeline(context): """ df = get_fundamentals( .filter(fundamentals.company_reference.primary_exchange_id.in_(["NYSE", "NYS"])) .filter(fundamentals.operation_ratios.total_debt_equity_ratio != None) .filter(fundamentals.operation_ratios.total_debt_equity_ratio < 1.0) #.filter(fundamentals.operation_ratios.quick_ratio > 1.0) .filter(fundamentals.operation_ratios.current_ratio > 1.5) .filter(fundamentals.valuation.market_cap != None) .filter(fundamentals.valuation.shares_outstanding != None) .filter(fundamentals.company_reference.primary_exchange_id != "OTCPK") # no pink sheets .filter(fundamentals.company_reference.primary_exchange_id != "OTCBB") # no pink sheets .filter(fundamentals.asset_classification.morningstar_sector_code != None) # require sector .filter(fundamentals.share_class_reference.security_type == 'ST00000001') # common stock only .filter(~fundamentals.share_class_reference.symbol.contains('_WI')) # drop when-issued .filter(fundamentals.share_class_reference.is_primary_share == True) # remove ancillary classes .filter(((fundamentals.valuation.market_cap*1.0) / (fundamentals.valuation.shares_outstanding*1.0)) > 1.0) # stock price > $1 .filter(fundamentals.share_class_reference.is_depositary_receipt == False) # !ADR/GDR #.filter(fundamentals.valuation.market_cap >= 10000.0E+06) #OFF #.filter(fundamentals.valuation.market_cap <= 250.0E+06) #OFF .filter(~fundamentals.company_reference.standard_name.contains(' LP')) # exclude LPs .filter(~fundamentals.company_reference.standard_name.contains(' L P')) .filter(~fundamentals.company_reference.standard_name.contains(' L.P')) .filter(fundamentals.balance_sheet.limited_partnership == None) # exclude LPs .filter(fundamentals.valuation_ratios.ev_to_ebitda != None) .filter(fundamentals.valuation_ratios.ev_to_ebitda >= 0.0) .filter(fundamentals.valuation_ratios.ev_to_ebitda <= 6.0) #NEED TO MAKE DYNAMIC (only pick bottom 10% cheapest of current market) #.order_by(fundamentals.valuation_ratios.ev_to_ebitda.asc()) #.order_by(fundamentals.valuation.market_cap.desc()) #.order_by(fundamentals.valuation_ratios.fcf_ratio.asc()) .order_by(fundamentals.valuation_ratios.ps_ratio.asc()) .limit(2000)) """ pipe = Pipeline( columns={ 'ev_to_ebitda': Fundamentals.ev_to_ebitda.latest, 'sales_yield': Fundamentals.sales_yield.latest, 'roic': Fundamentals.roic.latest, 'ps_ratio': Fundamentals.ps_ratio.latest, }, screen=( Fundamentals.primary_exchange_id.latest.element_of(["NYSE", "NYS"]) & Fundamentals.total_debt_equity_ratio.latest.notnull() & (Fundamentals.total_debt_equity_ratio.latest < 1.0) & # fundamentals.operation_ratios.quick_ratio > 1.0 & (Fundamentals.current_ratio.latest > 1.5) & Fundamentals.market_cap.latest.notnull() & Fundamentals.shares_outstanding.latest.notnull() & (Fundamentals.primary_exchange_id.latest != "OTCPK") & (Fundamentals.primary_exchange_id.latest != "OTCBB") & Fundamentals.morningstar_sector_code.latest.notnull() & (Fundamentals.security_type.latest.eq('ST00000001')) & (~Fundamentals.symbol.latest.has_substring('_WI')) & Fundamentals.is_primary_share.latest & (((Fundamentals.market_cap.latest * 1.0) / (Fundamentals.shares_outstanding.latest * 1.0)) > 1.0) & ~Fundamentals.is_depositary_receipt.latest & ~Fundamentals.standard_name.latest.has_substring(' LP') & ~Fundamentals.standard_name.latest.has_substring(' L P') & ~Fundamentals.standard_name.latest.has_substring(' L.P') & Fundamentals.limited_partnership.latest.isnull() & Fundamentals.ev_to_ebitda.latest.notnull() & (Fundamentals.ev_to_ebitda.latest >= 0.0) & (Fundamentals.ev_to_ebitda.latest <= 6.0) ) ) return pipe