
I'm creating a reinforcement learning algorithm, but before use it is needed train the model with historical data. Because the necessary data for training is among 80000 training periods, it was necesary to use 15 minute resolution in the data ( the hour resolution only can get arround 30000 training past periods) .

I execute the training in the Initialize event. And for few amount of training periods there is no problem ( e.g. using 1000 training periods the algorithm runs well). But when I try to use the necesary 80000 it show the following error: "Algorithm took longer than 5 minutes on a single time loop."

When I use the training method inside the OnData event, something similar happens: "Algorithm took longer than 10 minutes on a single time loop."

I think the error is because there is no possible to create the history array for 80000 past events in less than 10 o 5 minutes. So, I'm asking for help. It is possible to create the training array in other way?

I can't attach the backtest because when there is a bug there is no possible to attach it. So I run a backtest with 100 training periods and create a snippet code to show you what is the code genereting the error.


def Initialize(self): self.TimeSpan = 15 self.BarPeriod = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(self.TimeSpan) self.assets = ["AAPL", "IBM", "MSFT"] self.features = ["close", "high", "low"] self.f = len(self.features) self.m = len(self.assets) self.n = 50 self.t_steps = 80000 self.train_model() def train_model(self): back_bars = self.TimeSpan * self.t_steps h1 = self.History(self.Securities.Keys, back_bars, Resolution.Minute) # Filter the data for selected assets and features h1 = h1.loc[self.assets][self.features].fillna(method='ffill').fillna(method='bfill') raw_prices = np.zeros(shape=(self.m,self.t_batch,self.f), dtype=np.float64) # Create at hand the 15 minute bars for asset in range(len(self.assets)): period = 0 for i in range(self.t_batch * self.TimeSpan): if i % self.TimeSpan == 0 and i > 0: ran = h1.loc[self.assets[asset]][:][i:i+self.TimeSpan].values self.Debug(str(ran.shape)) close = ran[-1][0] high = np.max(ran[:][1]) low = np.min(ran[:][2]) raw_prices[asset][period][0] = close raw_prices[asset][period][1] = high raw_prices[asset][period][2] = low period += 1 ......