Hello fellows,
I hacked together this to get a feeling of quantconnect and I get this error, wich suggests I have to declare somehow the apriOrdineTest object. (I'm new to both QC and CSharp so excuse me if this is a very dumb question)
I just dont understand why the commented out IF works and the current IF with more conditions does not.
The error is: "Runtime Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object"

namespace QuantConnect.Algorithm.CSharp { public class BasicTemplateAlgorithm : QCAlgorithm { private Symbol spy = QuantConnect.Symbol.Create("SPY", SecurityType.Equity, Market.USA); private HeikinAshi heikinHour; private HeikinAshi heikinDay; decimal spread = .0001m; decimal price; OrderTicket lastOrderTicket = null; decimal prezzOrdineAltoDelGiorno = 0; bool condizioneDiSicurezza = true; public override void Initialize() { SetStartDate(2018, 10, 07); //Set Start Date SetEndDate(DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-1)); SetCash(100000); //Set Strategy Cash AddEquity("SPY", Resolution.Hour); var eurusd = AddForex("EURUSD", Resolution.Hour, Market.Oanda); eurusd.SetDataNormalizationMode(DataNormalizationMode.Raw); heikinDay = HeikinAshi("EURUSD", Resolution.Daily); heikinHour = HeikinAshi("EURUSD", Resolution.Hour); } public override void OnData(Slice data) { var tickets = Transactions.GetOpenOrderTickets().ToList(); var orders = Transactions.GetOpenOrders(); var holdings_eurusd = Portfolio["EURUSD"].Quantity; apriOrdineTest(); controllaTicket(); } // Override the base class event handler for order events /*public override void OnOrderEvent(OrderEvent orderEvent) { var lastOrder = Transactions.getOrderById(lastOrderId); var order = Transactions.GetOrderById(orderEvent.OrderId); Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}: {2}", Time, order.Type, orderEvent); }*/ // funzione di prova che apre l'ordine /--------------------- public void apriOrdineTest(){ if(!heikinHour.IsReady) { // THIS ONE causes Runtime Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object var heikinValue = heikinHour; } else { if(condizioneDiSicurezza == true){ if(lastOrderTicket == null) {lastOrderTicket = StopMarketOrder("EURUSD", 1, Decimal.Add(heikinHour.High, spread));} // Runtime Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object if(Transactions.GetOrderById(lastOrderTicket).Status == OrderStatus.Filled && Transactions.GetOrderById(lastOrderTicket).Price < heikinHour.High) { prezzOrdineAltoDelGiorno = Transactions.GetOrderById(lastOrderTicket).Price; lastOrderTicket = StopMarketOrder("EURUSD", 1, Decimal.Add(heikinHour.High, spread)); } } else // condizione sicurezza { Log("Non ci sono le condizioni di sicurezza per procedere"); } } /*if (lastOrderTicket == null){ // THIS ONE GOES if(!heikinHour.IsReady) { var heikinValue = heikinHour; } else // heikin hour is ready { //if(){} Debug("lanciato apriOrdineTest()"); lastOrderTicket = StopMarketOrder("EURUSD", 1, Decimal.Add(heikinHour.High, spread)); Debug("lastOrderTicket = " + lastOrderTicket); } }*/ } public bool ordinePrecedente(){ int lastOrder_id = Transactions.LastOrderId; var lastOrder_status = Transactions.GetOrderById(lastOrder_id).Status; var lastOrder_time = Transactions.GetOrderById(lastOrder_id).Time; //var lastOrder_ticket = Transactions.GetOrderById(lastOrder_id); Debug("lastOrder_status " + lastOrder_status.ToString() +" lastOrder_time " + lastOrder_time); /*if(lastOrder_status ==){return true;} else {return false;}*/ return true; //Values: New, Submitted, PartiallyFilled, Filled, Canceled, None, Invalid, CancelPending } public void controllaTicket(){ //--------------------- decimal peggiorePerdita = 0; var tickets = Transactions .GetOrderTickets(x => x.Status == OrderStatus.Filled); DateTime ticketTime = Time; int worstOrderId = 0; Debug("Average price of " + Portfolio["EURUSD"].Quantity + " fills at average " + Portfolio["EURUSD"].AveragePrice); foreach (var ticket in tickets){ var symbol = ticket.Symbol; var fillQuantity = ticket.QuantityFilled; var fillPrice = ticket.AverageFillPrice; ticketTime = ticket.Time; if (fillPrice - price > peggiorePerdita){ peggiorePerdita = fillPrice - price; worstOrderId = ticket.OrderId; } } } } }