The code below runs fine when run as a Terminal project, however if I run it from desktop-Lean using the local data installed as part of the Lean download, then I get the following error:

Error:: AlgorithmManager.Run(): RuntimeError: Slice: Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder.RuntimeBinderException: 'QuantConnect.Data.Market.TradeBar' does not contain a definition for 'Bid'

I checked that it was attemtping to acutally use the local data by temporarily renaming the local files, causing the following *expected* errors:

Error:: DefaultDataProvider.Fetch(): The specified file was not found: ../../../Data/crypto\gdax\minute\btcusd\
Error:: DefaultDataProvider.Fetch(): The specified file was not found: ../../../Data/crypto\gdax\minute\btcusd\

So it seems that the TickType is being forced to TradeBars instead of QuoteBars.

I can work around the issue for now by hacking BaseSetupHandler.cs and changing:

var configToUse = configs.OrderBy(x => x.TickType).First();


var configToUse = configs.OrderBy(x => x.TickType).Last();

forcing it to choose QuoteBars from the two items in the list, however I expect there is a way to configure my Algo to use QuoteBars via a method-call.

Anyone know the correct way to achieve this?


Here is the same code (except for the date-range) that works from Terminal:

namespace QuantConnect.Algorithm.CSharp { public class TestCryptoQuoteBar : QCAlgorithm { // ---------------------------------------------- // Option Constants: // ---------------------------------------------- private string _strMainSymbol; private const decimal kStartCash = 100000; private const decimal kSpendPerBuy = 2000; Resolution kResolution = Resolution.Hour; //const string kMarketCrypto = Market.GDAX; const string kMarketCrypto = Market.Bitfinex; //const BrokerageName kBrokerageName = BrokerageName.GDAX; const BrokerageName kBrokerageName = BrokerageName.Bitfinex; public override void Initialize() { SetStartDate(2019, 1, 1); SetEndDate(2019, 1, 2); SetCash(kStartCash); _strMainSymbol = "BTCUSD"; AddCrypto(_strMainSymbol, kResolution, kMarketCrypto); SetBrokerageModel(kBrokerageName, AccountType.Cash); } public override void OnData(Slice data) { var temp = data.QuoteBars[_strMainSymbol].Bid.Close; Debug($"temp: {temp}"); var dataValue = data[_strMainSymbol]; var bidClose = dataValue.Bid.Close; var askClose = dataValue.Ask.Close; var spread = askClose - bidClose; Debug($"Spread: {spread}"); } } }