Hi, everyone.
i was plotting some indicators,in range of days. after a zoom, it's clear an interpolation of the indicator. the interpolation occurs after market close and ends when market opens.
i suppose,that dataframe used for time-axe is the one created with self.SetStartDate self.SetEndDate method.
there is a way of change the dataframe, so time-axe of the plotting would be continuos and smoothing.
in other words, does exist a way of plotting just when the market is open?
because the IsMarketOpen method, just update values, but not change the dataframe for time-axe in the backtesting.
by the way, there is a way to create dragging event,to create some kind of rolling window,similar to tradingview??
Rahul Chowdhury
Hey Jesus,
Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to make a plot with just market open hours or a rolling window plot. Please refer to this discussion for more information. While we don't have a UI element for you to change the plotting automatically delivered in the report right now, you can make your own series and plot that. You can plot the series within another plotting library like mathplotlib.
It sounds like you may be looking to chart a time series without its zero values. While we don't have a UI element for you to automatically change the plotting delivered in the report right now, we'd suggest digging into what you want the time series without zeros for.
For others looking for beginner plotting guidance, you can reference our boot camp.
The plot is reflected as an optional chart called Data Report you can access in your backtesting report.
Jesus jose
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