Im new to quant connect and wanted to implement my first little algorithm... it should simply determine the trend by comparing the last and the current candle... if it noticies a up trend, it should place a buy order and if it detects a down trend it should place a short order...

My code is pretty simply currently... but it never ever made any profit at all... it simply only makes losses... i tested multiple other currencys with the same result.

Wheres my mistake ? Did i forgot something ? Or is this kind of algorithm simply not working in praxis ?

namespace QuantConnect.Algorithm.CSharp { public class CalibratedVentralCompensator : QCAlgorithm { public string forex = "EURUSD"; private bool betOnUp = false; private RollingWindow<decimal> close; public override void Initialize() { SetEndDate(2019, 12, 1); SetStartDate(2018, 12, 1); SetCash(200); var eud = AddForex(forex, Resolution.Hour, Market.Oanda); eud.SetDataNormalizationMode(DataNormalizationMode.Raw); SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.OandaBrokerage); close = new RollingWindow<decimal>(4); } /// OnData event is the primary entry point for your algorithm. Each new data point will be pumped in here. /// Slice object keyed by symbol containing the stock data public override void OnData(Slice data) { close.Add(data[forex].Close); if(close.Count <= 1) return; var currentPrice = Securities[forex].Price; var amountToBuy = Portfolio.Cash/currentPrice; var upTrend = close[1] < close[0]; Debug("Last Close : "+close[1]+", Current Close : "+close[0]+", Profit since last trade : "+Portfolio[forex].UnrealizedProfit); if(betOnUp != upTrend){ Liquidate(forex); Debug("Liquidated position, holding "+Securities[forex].Invested); } if(upTrend){ MarketOrder(forex, amountToBuy); betOnUp = true; Debug("Long with "+(amountToBuy)+" Units, holding "+Securities[forex].Invested); } else{ MarketOrder(forex, -amountToBuy); betOnUp = false; Debug("Short with "+(-amountToBuy)+" Units, holding "+Securities[forex].Invested); } } } }