Dear Members,


I wanna trade on the pair "ETHBTC". How should be the begin setting in the code?

Trading on "ETHUSD" is no problem. So i thought just changing the _ticker to "ETHBTC" and thats it. But is isn't that simple i guess?

Thanks in advance.


namespace QuantConnect.Algorithm.CSharp { public class VentralTransdimensionalChamber : QCAlgorithm { /* Trading bot that trades with the highest and lowest exchange rate of the last 24 hours. Buying determined bacause the factor and the current price. */ // VARIABELEN DECLAREREN private string _ticker = "ETHUSD"; //virtueel paar - tracks the current USD value of 1 ether. private int _startingCash = 2000; private decimal _weight = .08m; ///Percentage van portfolio dat je wilt investeren // % of portfolio for every trade. private decimal _targetPercent = .01m; //1% winst dan verkopen // Sell when 1% profit private decimal _stopPercent = .10m; //verkopen bij de 10% verlies / Sell when loss is 10% int _maxPosition = 900; // Max USD invested int _minPosition = 750; // min USD needed to invest. public decimal _usd; //Amount of USD in our Cashbook. Maximum _maxExchange; Minimum _minExchange; //PROGRAMMA VARIABELEN public decimal _price; public decimal _holding; //Het aantal Ether we in onze portfolio hebben zitten. public string _baseSymbol; //vertegenwoordigt de basesymbool dat we houden ETH public decimal _targetPrice; public decimal _stopPrice; //INITIALIZE BLOCK public override void Initialize() { SetStartDate(2019, 1, 1); SetEndDate(2020, 1, 1); SetCash(_startingCash); var _crypto = AddCrypto(_ticker, Resolution.Minute); _baseSymbol = _crypto.BaseCurrencySymbol; int _minutesOfTrading = 1140; _maxExchange = MAX(_ticker, _minutesOfTrading, Resolution.Minute); _minExchange = MIN(_ticker, _minutesOfTrading, Resolution.Minute); SetWarmUp(_minutesOfTrading, Resolution.Minute); SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.GDAX, AccountType.Cash); } }