hey guys does the IsSuccessful boolean for checking cancelled orders in live trading work with Alpaca? Just discovered they still don't support trailling stops so have had to implement my own. Planning to just do a check every (minute) bar to see if the security has reached a new high since a position was opened, but has anyone else produced a workaround for this? 

I'm guessing the problem with myt current implementation is I need the algo to wait for a confirmed cancellation from the Alpaca servers before placing a new stop order, otherwise I'm getting an error. 

Reference documentation and error log below:https://www.quantconnect.com/docs/algorithm-reference/trading-and-orders

# Create an order and save its ticket ticket = self.LimitOrder("SPY", 100, 221.05, False, "SPY Trade to Cancel")# Tag order later response = ticket.Cancel("Canceled SPY Trade")# Use order response object to read status if response.IsSuccessful: self.Debug("Order successfully canceled") 2020-07-27 13:31:01 : New Order Event: Time: 07/27/2020 13:31:01 OrderID: 2 EventID: 1 Symbol: NUGT Status: Submitted Quantity: -97 StopPrice: 104.22 2020-07-27 13:33:00 : New Order Event: Time: 07/27/2020 13:33:00 OrderID: 2 EventID: 2 Symbol: NUGT Status: CancelPending Quantity: -97 StopPrice: 104.22 2020-07-27 13:33:00 : Warning: To meet brokerage precision requirements, order StopPrice was rounded to 104.84 from 104.84159999999999 2020-07-27 13:33:00 : New Order Event: Time: 07/27/2020 13:33:00 OrderID: 3 EventID: 1 Symbol: NUGT Status: Submitted Quantity: -97 StopPrice: 104.84 2020-07-27 13:33:00 : New Order Event: Time: 07/27/2020 13:33:00 OrderID: 2 EventID: 3 Symbol: NUGT Status: Canceled Quantity: -97 StopPrice: 104.22 Message: Alpaca Canceled Order Event 2020-07-27 13:34:00 : New Order Event: Time: 07/27/2020 13:34:00 OrderID: 3 EventID: 2 Symbol: NUGT Status: CancelPending Quantity: -97 StopPrice: 104.84 2020-07-27 13:34:00 : Warning: To meet brokerage precision requirements, order StopPrice was rounded to 105.94 from 105.93599999999999 2020-07-27 13:34:00 : New Order Event: Time: 07/27/2020 13:34:00 OrderID: 4 EventID: 1 Symbol: NUGT Status: Submitted Quantity: -97 StopPrice: 105.94 2020-07-27 13:34:00 : New Order Event: Time: 07/27/2020 13:34:00 OrderID: 3 EventID: 3 Symbol: NUGT Status: Canceled Quantity: -97 StopPrice: 104.84 Message: Alpaca Canceled Order Event 2020-07-27 13:37:00 : New Order Event: Time: 07/27/2020 13:37:00 OrderID: 4 EventID: 2 Symbol: NUGT Status: CancelPending Quantity: -97 StopPrice: 105.94 2020-07-27 13:37:00 : Warning: To meet brokerage precision requirements, order StopPrice was rounded to 106.47 from 106.47359999999999 2020-07-27 13:37:00 : New Order Event: Time: 07/27/2020 13:37:00 OrderID: 5 EventID: 1 Symbol: NUGT Status: Invalid Quantity: -97 StopPrice: 106.47 Message: Error placing order: insufficient qty available for order (requested: 97, available: 0) 2020-07-27 13:37:00 : New Order Event: Time: 07/27/2020 13:37:00 OrderID: 4 EventID: 3 Symbol: NUGT Status: Canceled Quantity: -97 StopPrice: 105.94 Message: Alpaca Canceled Order Event 2020-07-27 13:37:01 : Brokerage Warning: Error placing order: insufficient qty available for order (requested: 97, available: 0)