As a new user, it's difficult to have any confidence that the changes I need to make to get them to compile and backtest are even valid.  And without working examples, its difficult to learn.  

It would be useful, and compelling if the samples would actually ran out of the box, along with parameter sets demonstrating the range of values/condutions under which a range of returns can be expected.

Of the examples I have tried thus far none of them return enough against backtests to even justify a paper trade attempt.  Thus far, I have not even been able to find a scalper that demonstrates any real success.  

I was very excited about this at first, so I signed up, got interactive brokers account, and started looking into Lean and Algoloop and docker deployment.  But without any examples of demonstrable success, and seeing so many algos in the forums begin with optomistic results only to end up with negative returns after their flaws have been ironed out.

I'm starting to wonder if it's even realistic to think this will produce better results than just putting it all into FANG and Tesla. 

What am I doing wrong?