I've been trying for days to get an intra-day order to fill on ES futures, both locally and in the Lab.  I've pulled code from a few examples, watched bootcamp vids, read through docs, etc, but I'm at a loss how this works.  I'm getting exceptions saying:

"This asset symbol(ES21H14 0) was not found in your security list.Please add this security or check it exists before using it with 'Securities.ContainsKey("ES21H14 0")'"

..which I've tried to mitage by adding it, in various places, but I'm starting to think I'm missing a bigger-picture item.

When I move the code from local to the Lab, I change the data range from 2013-10-08 / 2013-10-11 to one that ranges from 2019 -> 2020, since it appears I only have access to the 2013 data locally.

Thank you for any help you all might be able to provide.

/* * QUANTCONNECT.COM - Democratizing Finance, Empowering Individuals. * Lean Algorithmic Trading Engine v2.0. Copyright 2014 QuantConnect Corporation. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ using System; using QuantConnect.Data; using QuantConnect.Data.Market; using QuantConnect.Securities; using System.Collections.Generic; using QuantConnect.Data.Consolidators; using QuantConnect.Orders; using System.Linq; //TODO: //figure out how to tell when an order was fulfilled //Notes: //https://www.quantconnect.com/docs/algorithm-reference/trading-and-orders //https://github.com/QuantConnect/Lean/blob/master/Algorithm.CSharp/OrderTicketDemoAlgorithm.cs //https://github.com/QuantConnect/Lean/blob/master/Algorithm.CSharp/MarketOnOpenOnCloseAlgorithm.cs namespace QuantConnect.Algorithm.CSharp { public class BasicTemplateFuturesConsolidationAlgorithm : QCAlgorithm { TradeBar openingTradeBar; QuoteBar openingBar; decimal entryPrice; decimal d = 0.01m; string positionType = ""; Boolean inTrade = false; private const string RootSP500 = Futures.Indices.SP500EMini; public Symbol SP500 = QuantConnect.Symbol.Create(RootSP500, SecurityType.Future, Market.CME); private HashSet<Symbol> _futureContracts = new HashSet<Symbol>(); public override void Initialize() { SetStartDate(2013, 10, 8); SetEndDate(2013, 10, 11); SetCash(1000000); AddSecurity(RootSP500); var futureSP500 = AddFuture(RootSP500, Resolution.Minute); // set our expiry filter for this future chain // SetFilter method accepts TimeSpan objects or integer for days. // The following statements yield the same filtering criteria futureSP500.SetFilter(0, 180); // futureSP500.SetFilter(TimeSpan.Zero, TimeSpan.FromDays(182)); //Schedule.On(DateRules.EveryDay(RootSP500), TimeRules.At(13, 30), ClosePositions); //Schedule.On(DateRules.EveryDay(RootSP500), TimeRules.At(16, 00), ClosePositions); SetBenchmark(x => 0); } void ClosePositions() { openingBar = null; Liquidate(RootSP500); inTrade = false; } public override void OnData(Slice slice) { //var stopPrice = close * 1.001m; //var limitPrice = close - 0.03m; //stopPrice = close * .999m; //limitPrice = close + 0.03m; foreach (var chain in slice.FutureChains) { var contract = ( from futuresContract in chain.Value.OrderBy(x => x.Expiry) where futuresContract.Expiry > Time.Date.AddDays(90) select futuresContract ).FirstOrDefault(); { //Securities.Add(contract.Symbol); foreach (var cntrct in chain.Value) { if (!_futureContracts.Contains(cntrct.Symbol)) { _futureContracts.Add(cntrct.Symbol); if (!Securities.ContainsKey(cntrct.Symbol.ID.ToString())) //if (!Securities.ContainsKey(cntrct.Symbol)) { AddSecurity(cntrct.Symbol); //if (!Securities.ContainsKey(quoteBar.Symbol.ID.ToString())) //{ // AddSecurity(quoteBar.Symbol); //} } var consolidator = new QuoteBarConsolidator(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)); consolidator.DataConsolidated += OnDataConsolidated; SubscriptionManager.AddConsolidator(cntrct.Symbol, consolidator); Log("Added new consolidator for " + cntrct.Symbol.Value); } } } } } public void OnDataConsolidated(object sender, QuoteBar quoteBar) //public void OnDataConsolidated(TradeBar bar) { //if (!Securities.Values.Contains()) //if (!Securities.ContainsKey(quoteBar.Symbol.ID.ToString())) //{ // AddSecurity() //} if (Portfolio.Invested) { if (positionType == "long" && quoteBar.Price >= (entryPrice + 0.50m)) { var newTicket = MarketOrder(quoteBar.Symbol.Value, 1, asynchronous: false); if (newTicket.Status != OrderStatus.Filled) { Log("Synchronous market order was not filled synchronously!"); } inTrade = false; } else if (positionType == "short" && quoteBar.Price >= (entryPrice - 0.50m)) { var newTicket = MarketOrder(quoteBar.Symbol.Value, -1, asynchronous: false); if (newTicket.Status != OrderStatus.Filled) { Log("Synchronous market order was not filled synchronously!"); } inTrade = false; } } else if (!Portfolio.Invested && openingBar != null && !inTrade && Securities.ContainsKey(quoteBar.Symbol.ID.ToString())) { if (quoteBar.Close > openingBar.High) { StopLimitOrders(quoteBar.Symbol.Value, OrderType.LongOrder, 1, quoteBar.Close, quoteBar.Close + d); inTrade = true; //StopLimitOrder(RootSP500, 1, quoteBar.Close, quoteBar.Close+d, "LONG ORDER!!"); positionType = "long"; } if (quoteBar.Close < openingBar.Low) { StopLimitOrders(quoteBar.Symbol.Value, OrderType.LongOrder, 1, quoteBar.Close, quoteBar.Close + d); inTrade = true; //StopLimitOrder(RootSP500, -1, quoteBar.Close, quoteBar.Close - d, "SHORT ORDER!!"); positionType = "short"; } } if (quoteBar.Time.Hour == 9 && quoteBar.Time.Minute <= 30) { openingBar = quoteBar; } Log("Portfolio.TotalHoldingsValue: [" + Portfolio.TotalHoldingsValue + "]"); Log("OnDataConsolidated called"); Log(quoteBar.ToString()); } public enum OrderType { LongOrder, ShortOrder } public void StopLimitOrders(string symbol, OrderType orderType, int quantity, decimal stopPrice, decimal limitPrice) { //var stopPrice = close * 1.001m; //var limitPrice = close - 0.03m; //stopPrice = close * .999m; //limitPrice = close + 0.03m; Log("Submitting StopLimitOrder"); OrderTicket newTicket; switch (orderType) { case OrderType.LongOrder: newTicket = StopLimitOrder(symbol, quantity, stopPrice, limitPrice); //_openStopLimitOrders.Add(newTicket); break; case OrderType.ShortOrder: newTicket = StopLimitOrder(symbol, -quantity, stopPrice, limitPrice); //_openStopLimitOrders.Add(newTicket); break; } } private bool TimeIs(int day, int hour, int minute) { return Time.Day == day && Time.Hour == hour && Time.Minute == minute; } public override void OnOrderEvent(OrderEvent orderEvent) { var order = Transactions.GetOrderById(orderEvent.OrderId); Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}: {2}", Time, order.Type, orderEvent); if (orderEvent.Quantity == 0) { throw new Exception("OrderEvent quantity is Not expected to be 0, it should hold the current order Quantity"); } if (orderEvent.Quantity != order.Quantity) { throw new Exception("OrderEvent quantity should hold the current order Quantity"); } if (order is LimitOrder && orderEvent.LimitPrice == 0 || order is StopLimitOrder && orderEvent.LimitPrice == 0) { throw new Exception("OrderEvent LimitPrice is Not expected to be 0 for LimitOrder and StopLimitOrder"); } if (order is StopMarketOrder && orderEvent.StopPrice == 0) { throw new Exception("OrderEvent StopPrice is Not expected to be 0 for StopMarketOrder"); } } private bool CheckPairOrdersForFills(OrderTicket longOrder, OrderTicket shortOrder) { if (longOrder.Status == OrderStatus.Filled) { Log(shortOrder.OrderType + ": Cancelling short order, long order is filled."); shortOrder.Cancel("Long filled."); return true; } if (shortOrder.Status == OrderStatus.Filled) { Log(longOrder.OrderType + ": Cancelling long order, short order is filled."); longOrder.Cancel("Short filled"); return true; } return false; } } }