I'm following the instructions to set up local development on Windows. When I open QuantConnect.Lean.sln, I get a bunch of errors about the project target framework not being installed. It seems that all the projects are targeting ".NETFramework,Version=v4.6.2". I'm given three options:

  • Change the target to .NET Framework 4.6.1. You can change back to ".NET Framework,Version=v4.6.2" at a later time.
  • Download the targeting pack for ".NET Framework,Version=v4.6.2". The project will not change.
  • Do not load this project.
I checked in my registry at "Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version," and it says I have version 4.8.03752 installed, so I'm not sure why it's suggesting that I change the target to 4.6.1. In any case, changing targets to 4.6.1 leads to build errors and I'm unable to install version 4.6.2 since I have a more recent version. Does anyone know how to get past this?