Test running this algo live, I got a few different errors that I am afraid of. the most important being:


Order Error: id: 24, Insufficient buying power to complete order (Value:-990.6537), Reason: Your portfolio holds 0.02715147 BTC, 0 BTC of which are reserved for open orders, but your Sell order is for 0.02715269 BTC. Cash Modeling trading does not permit short holdings so ensure you only sell what you have, including any additional open orders.


it was trying to sell all btc and buy eth, but it was trying to sell more than my account actually had. this is either a bug or impropper use of self.SetHoldings() in the algo. Either way, the only way I can think to mitigate this is to have a 1% cash buffer, but that still wouldn't work I don't think. I tried this through the self.Settings.FreePortfolioValuePercetage() function to no avail. back test is attatched, maybe you guys can edit my code to make it less buggy. All help is appreciated! Thank you!