I am exploring the research environment, and want to plot some graph. I just copy most of the code from docs, but there is still something wrong. 

qb = QuantBook()
es = qb.AddFuture("ES")
es.SetFilter(timedelta(0), timedelta(90))
start_date = datetime(2014, 7, 1, 9, 30)
end_date =  datetime(2014, 7, 3, 23, 59)
future_history = qb.GetFutureHistory(es.Symbol, start_date, end_date, Resolution.Minute)
history = future_history.GetAllData()
# drop expiry and symbols
history.reset_index(level = 0, drop = True, inplace=True)
history.reset_index(level = 0, drop = True, inplace=True)
# consolidate to 5 min bars
close_prices = history["close"]
offset = '5T'
df_5min_ohlc = close_prices.resample(offset).ohlc()

# I copied the below code, but still have an error 

# manually update the indicator
bb = BollingerBands(30, 2)
bb_values = {'time': [], 'upperband': [], 'middleband': [], 'lowerband': []}
for row in df_5min_ohlc.itertuples():
    time = row.Index 
    close = row.close
    bb.Update(time, close)
    if bb.IsReady:
        bb_values['time'].append(time)  # Save timestamps to create index for dataframe

consolidated_bbdf =  pd.DataFrame(bb_values, columns=['time', 'upperband', 'middleband', 'lowerband'])  
consolidated_bbdf = consolidated_bb.set_index('time') 

TypeError: No method matches given arguments for Update: (<class 'pandas._libs.tslibs.timestamps.Timestamp'>, <class 'float'>)

Error related Code:

bb.Update(time, close)

So what should I pass instead?

Thx in advance