running Lean using CLI and importing data using csv's 

  1. when I look at the trades json file the “EntryTime” matches the imported bar time with the correct UTC offset.
  2. when I look at bar.time it matches the json EntryTime minus the UTC offset.
  3. if I print “bar.Time + time_change” it again matches the “EntryTime”
local = self.algo.Securities[].Exchange.LocalTime.replace(tzinfo=None)
utc   = self.algo.UtcTime.replace(tzinfo=None)
time_change = utc - local


4. when I print self.algo.UtcTime ONLY I always get the time that is 1 bar interval ahead… I would think that this would print the same time as EntryTime but it is always EntryTime + 1 time interval… IE if EntryTime is 16:00 Utctime is always 16:30 since 1 time interval is 30 minutes.

is there a reason for this?