I am running into this runtime issue that I couldn't figure out the problem:
2022-02-08 09:00:00 Runtime Error: Trying to retrieve an element from a collection using a key that does not exist in that collection throws a KeyError exception. To prevent the exception, ensure that the  key exist in the collection and/or that collection is not empty.
 at wrapped_function
   raise KeyError(f"No key found for either mapped or original key. Mapped Key: {mKey}; Original Key: {oKey}")
 File "./cache/algorithm/main.py" in PandasMapper.py: line 75

Checking out this forum, it seems history calls creating this issue but I still don't know the reason.
in my setup during backtesting, I add 100 symbols every day using manual selection. On the first day, everything seems ok. The second day I see this run time error. I also put try-catch everywhere but it does not help to find out the location.
For example, I am creating symbol objects like:

def OnSecuritiesChanged(self, changes):
       self.Log("OnSecuritiesChanged -> {}: {}".format(self.Time, changes))
           newSymbols = []
           for security in changes.AddedSecurities:
               symbol = security.Symbol
               if symbol not in self.symbolDict:
           self.Log(f'OnSecuritiesChanged -> newSymbols: {[sym.Value for sym in sorted(newSymbols)]}')
           if newSymbols:
               history = self.History(newSymbols, self.dailyLength, Resolution.Daily)
               historyH = self.History(newSymbols, self.hourlyLength, Resolution.Hour)
               self.Log(f'OnSecuritiesChanged -> history: { [sym.split()[0] for sym in sorted(set(history.index.levels[0]))] }')
               self.Log(f'OnSecuritiesChanged -> historyH:{ [sym.split()[0] for sym in sorted(set(historyH.index.levels[0]))] }')
               for symbol in newSymbols:    
                   if str(symbol) in history.index.levels[0] and str(symbol) in historyH.index.levels[0]:
                       self.symbolDict[symbol] = SymbolData(symbol, self, history, historyH)
                       self.Log(f'history does not have symbol: {str(symbol)}')
           # Remove consolidators for removed symbols and also remove symbol from symbolDict
           for security in changes.RemovedSecurities:
               symbol = security.Symbol
               if symbol in self.symbolDict:
                   if self.symbolDict[symbol].isGood:
                       self.SubscriptionManager.RemoveConsolidator(symbol, self.symbolDict[symbol].oneHourConsolidator)
                       self.SubscriptionManager.RemoveConsolidator(symbol, self.symbolDict[symbol].oneDayConsolidator)
                   self.symbolDict.pop(symbol, None)
       except Exception as e:
           self.Log(f'something wrong with OnSecuritiesChanged: {str(e)}')

If history has the symbol, then I create the symbol object.

Another interesting observation looking at the logs is that history has some symbols that are not included in newSymbols list:
2022-02-07 09:00:00 OnSecuritiesChanged -> newSymbols: ['AAPL', 'ACGL', 'ACLS', 'ACT', 'ADM', 'AER', 'ALK', 'AMP', 'ANET', 'ATI', 'AU', 'BKR', 'BMO', 'BNS', 'BPOP', 'BTI', 'BY', 'BYD', 'CADE', 'CBT', 'CCMP', 'CENX', 'CIEN', 'CINF', 'CMC', 'CME', 'CPA', 'CSX', 'CUBI', 'CWK', 'ECPG', 'EDR', 'ENTG', 'ESI', 'EWBC', 'FINW', 'FITB', 'FNV', 'FUN', 'HGV', 'HLI', 'HSBC', 'HSY', 'HUN', 'HWC', 'HWKN', 'HWM', 'IMKTA', 'JNPR', 'KEY', 'KO', 'KSS', 'LITE', 'LPLA', 'LYB', 'LYV', 'MLI', 'MU', 'MUSA', 'NEM', 'NMIH', 'NMRK', 'NTAP', 'NXST', 'ORI', 'ORLY', 'PACW', 'PLAB', 'PLNT', 'RDN', 'RE', 'RGLD', 'RJF', 'RRR', 'RS', 'SEAS', 'SF', 'SFM', 'SGH', 'SIX', 'SNV', 'STX', 'TD', 'TGH', 'TLK', 'TRTN', 'TU', 'UBS', 'UNP', 'UNVR', 'VIRT', 'VLRS', 'WBS', 'WFC', 'WHD', 'WLK', 'WRB', 'ZION']
2022-02-07 09:00:00 OnSecuritiesChanged -> history: ['AA', 'AAPL', 'ACLS', 'ACT', 'ADM', 'AER', 'ALK', 'ALT', 'AMP', 'ANET', 'AU', 'BHGE', 'BKLY', 'BMO', 'BNS', 'BPOP', 'BTI', 'BY', 'BYD', 'CADE', 'CBT', 'CCMP', 'CENX', 'CIEN', 'CINF', 'CMC', 'CME', 'CMT', 'CPA', 'CSX', 'CUBI', 'CWK', 'EDR', 'ENTG', 'ESI', 'EWBC', 'FCBP', 'FINW', 'FITB', 'FNV', 'FUN', 'HBC', 'HBHC', 'HGV', 'HLI', 'HSY', 'HUN', 'HWKN', 'IMKTA', 'JNPR', 'KEY', 'KO', 'KSS', 'LITEV', 'LPLA', 'LYB', 'LYV', 'MCMC', 'MLI', 'MU', 'MUSA', 'NEM', 'NMIH', 'NMRK', 'NOB', 'NTAP', 'NXST', 'ORI', 'ORLY', 'PLAB', 'PLNT', 'RCHI', 'RE', 'RGLD', 'RJF', 'RRR', 'RS', 'SEAS', 'SF', 'SFM', 'SGH', 'SIX', 'SNV', 'STX', 'TAL', 'TD', 'TGH', 'TLK', 'TU', 'UBS', 'UNP', 'UNVR', 'VIRT', 'VLRS', 'WBST', 'WHD', 'WLK', 'ZION']

For example, AA and ALT are not in newSymbols list but it is in History?

I really appreciate any help here!
