Hey all,
I get a lot of errors when live trading with IB. I've had 12 errors in the last 37 days.
Is this typical? Do others see similar stuff or am I missing a setting in QC or IB that will resolve this? My algo is robust to failures because it uses history for warming up, but I would like to have no errors.
I have another live algo which isn't linked to IB but uses QC's PaperBrokerage and that has no failures during the same time period (~37 days).
I only get two types of errors.
This one is the most common (9 of 12)
Runtime Error: Login failed. Please check the validity of your login credentials. Stack Trace: Login failed. Please check the validity of your login credentials.
and this one occurs less often (3 of 12)
Runtime Error: The maximum number of attempts for brokerage cash sync has been reached. in BrokerageTransactionHandler.cs:line 617 Stack Trace: The maximum number of attempts for brokerage cash sync has been reached. in BrokerageTransactionHandler.cs:line 617
I'm not changing my passwords or anything and every time the error occurs my algorithm restarts without issue. It does mess up the metrics. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

Fred Painchaud
Hi AK,
This is really something to report to support@quantconnect.com with a ref to the live deployment. It looks like issues with the connection between QC and IB.
Sure, I'll cut a ticket on Monday.
Alexandre Catarino
Hi AK M ,
We have already replied to the email you have sent to support@quantconnect.com.
For live trading issues, it's the preferred channel, because you can give us access to the syslog that has additional information.
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