
I noticed while trying to retrieve the latests earnings FileDate in the research environment, that the Earnings Reports data for the latest earnings (that happen just few days ago for the securities I tested) is still not present.
Is this because not “enough” days have passed already?
If so..

Would this be the case also while running a backtest (i.e the Fundamentals property of a Security would not have the latest EarningReport until few days later)?
Would this be the case also live?

If so, how long after the actual FileDate can we expect the Earning Reports to be available in the Fundamentals property of a Security?
Last but not least, if such a delay exists, and we are only able to retrieve this information ~X days after the FileDate, is this delay also present while backtesting? Because if the delay was not present while backtesting, and I was to implement a strategy that relied on the availability of that piece of information, I would end up having an unrealistic backtest, because when live I would only get that piece of information ~X days later.

Note: I tried to access the Fundamentals property of a Security in the research environment but it was giving me None.

Looking forward to hear your thoughts, and hopefully point me to where I got something wrong :)
