
I'm starting off by printing strings but I'm having trouble doing this with the following code:

// Instantiate a QuantBook
var qb = new QuantBook();

// Select the desired tickers for research.
var assets = new List<string>() {"ES","NQ"};

// // Call the AddEquity method with the tickers, and their corresponding resolution.
foreach(var ticker in assets){
qb.AddFuture(ticker, Resolution.Tick);

// Call the History method with qb.Securities.Keys for all tickers, time argument(s), and resolution to request historical data for the symbol.
// var history = qb.History<Tick>("ES", new DateTime(2021, 1, 19,9,40,0), new DateTime(2021, 1, 19,9,50,0), Resolution.Tick);
var history = qb.History<Tick>(qb.Securities.Keys, new DateTime(2021, 1, 19), new DateTime(2021, 1, 19), Resolution.Tick);

foreach(var slice in history){
// foreach(var symbol in slice.Bars.Keys){
// Console.WriteLine(slice);
// }

I've tried a few different methods (including regular/tradebars version of history, removing multiple tickers etc. The only thing I got at any point was a print of the class of history, but once I try iterate on it nothing happens.

Any help much appreciated! ThanksĀ