
I'm having some trouble running a live deployment locally, but when I run it in the cloud it runs fine. The code is exactly the same and I'm using Interactive Brokers Data. If I run the live deployment locally I get this error but it doesn't break, I've tried looking for the error but couldn't find anything, has anyone experienced something similar?

Its a pretty simple code, I'm just trying to test the connectivity with IB

20230117 19:19:37.471 ERROR:: InteractiveBrokersBrokerage.HandlePortfolioUpdates(): System.Exception:
InteractiveBrokersBrokerage.MapSymbol(): Failed to convert contract for PYPL; Contract description: STK PYPL USD  NASDAQ
0 0
 ---> System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.String
   at QuantConnect.Brokerages.InteractiveBrokers.InteractiveBrokersSymbolMapper.GetLeanSymbol(String brokerageSymbol,
SecurityType securityType, String market, DateTime expirationDate, Decimal strike, OptionRight optionRight)
   at QuantConnect.Brokerages.InteractiveBrokers.InteractiveBrokersBrokerage.a(Contract A_0)
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at QuantConnect.Brokerages.InteractiveBrokers.InteractiveBrokersBrokerage.a(Contract A_0)
   at QuantConnect.Brokerages.InteractiveBrokers.InteractiveBrokersBrokerage.a(UpdatePortfolioEventArgs A_0)
   at QuantConnect.Brokerages.InteractiveBrokers.InteractiveBrokersBrokerage.a(Object A_0, UpdatePortfolioEventArgs A_1)