Hello, I'm new to QC and I'm trying to familiarize myself with some of the content by plotting, however, some of the indicators give different outputs than on TradingView and Yahoo Finance. Now I understand that this is a relatively common question, and have looked into other posts and have tried to test some of the solutions, but I must be implementing it wrong because the output is still just so off (often higher than 50%). 

Some of the posts I've looked at:

Post 1: Tried implementing both solutions, nothing (lines 15-19 and 53-54)Post 2: I'm 60% sure this is where my problem is, specifically with how TV and YF consolidate candles differently than QC, however, if this is the problem, I don't know how to fix it, like would I have to subscribe to hourly data them consolidate them into daily points?Post 3: This is also likely the cause of an issue, but the outputs are just too different (Specifically RSI and MACD) for this to be a slight difference.


Aug 14 Data For Reference


TV Aug 14 Data For Reference:MACD: 2.83Signal: 4.50RSI: 43.26Open: 444.7 High: 448.11 Close: 448.11 Low: 444.38

I would be very appreciative to anyone who would help me solve this (and any bonus tips, this stuff is so interesting but so daunting at the same time)