How to read/write from/to ObjectStore. Is this below methods correct ?
def load_items(self):
if self.algorithm.ObjectStore.ContainsKey(self.trade_planning_key):
items_json = self.algorithm.ObjectStore.ReadBytes(self.trade_planning_key)
return json.loads(items_json.decode("utf-8"), object_hook=self.deserialize_date)
return []
def store_items(self):
items_json = json.dumps(self.items, default=self.serialize_date).encode("utf-8")
self.algorithm.ObjectStore.SaveBytes(self.trade_planning_key, items_json)
self.algorithm.Debug(f"Stored {len(self.items)} items in ObjectStore under tag '{self.trade_planning_key}'.")
Mia Alissi
Yes, the methods you provided are correct for reading and writing data to the ObjectStore in QuantConnect.
method checks if the key exists in the ObjectStore usingself.algorithm.ObjectStore.ContainsKey(self.trade_planning_key)
. If the key exists, it reads the bytes from the ObjectStore usingself.algorithm.ObjectStore.ReadBytes(self.trade_planning_key)
, decodes the bytes into a string, and then loads the string as a JSON object.The
method converts the items to a JSON string usingjson.dumps(self.items, default=self.serialize_date).encode("utf-8")
, and then saves the encoded string to the ObjectStore usingself.algorithm.ObjectStore.SaveBytes(self.trade_planning_key, items_json)
.Here are the relevant knowledge sources for your reference:
Please note that the ObjectStore is shared across the entire organization. Using the same key, you can access data across all projects in an organization. The ObjectStore has helper methods to store strings, JSON objects, XML objects, and bytes. It also has helper methods to retrieve the stored objects.
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Dharmesh Khalasi
How to test objectStore using Mock Class?
Dharmesh Khalasi
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