Hi all,

I am trying to setup a QC backtest to run in MSVS using the guide in the link


I believe to backtest properly I need the quant connect plugin? When running the plugin: QuantConnect.VisualStudioPlugin (simply double clicking it) I get the error: VSIX Installer Install failer. The install of this extension was not successful for all the selected products. For more information click on the install log link at the bottom of the dialog. This extension is not installable on any currently installed products.

The install log does say Signature Details... Extension is not signed. But I am not sure if there is any other message in the log file.

The guide on the link above reads:

To install QuantConnect plugin build the VisualStudioPlugin project in Release mode. Then go to VisualStudioPlugin/bin/Release and run QuantConnect.VisualStudioPlugin.vsix file. Restart VisualStudio. In VisualStudio go to Tools -> Options -> QuantConnect and set "/Data" value to "Price data path".

VisualStudio plugin writes log data to the VisualStudio activity log, but only if VisualStudio is started with the /log parameter passed to it. To debug the QuantConnect plugin start VisualStudio with the following command:
