The following code show how a "backtestable" Dow-Universe could be automatically constructed based on wikipedia:

import pandas as pd from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from mediawikiapi import MediaWikiAPI def wikitable_to_dataframe(table): """ Exports a Wikipedia table parsed by BeautifulSoup. Deals with spanning: multirow and multicolumn should format as expected. """ rows=table.findAll("tr") nrows=len(rows) ncols=max([len(r.findAll(['th','td'])) for r in rows]) # preallocate table structure # (this is required because we need to move forward in the table # structure once we've found a row span) data=[] for i in range(nrows): rowD=[] for j in range(ncols): rowD.append('') data.append(rowD) # fill the table with data: # move across cells and use span to fill extra cells for i,row in enumerate(rows): cells = row.findAll(["td","th"]) for j,cell in enumerate(cells): cspan=int(cell.get('colspan',1)) rspan=int(cell.get('rowspan',1)) l = 0 for k in range(rspan): # Shifts to the first empty cell of this row # Avoid replacing previously insterted content while data[i+k][j+l]: l+=1 for m in range(cspan): data[i+k][j+l+m]+=cell.text.strip("\n") return pd.DataFrame(data) mediawikiapi = MediaWikiAPI() test_page ="Historical components of the Dow Jones Industrial Average") # to check page URL: # print(test_page.url) soup = BeautifulSoup(test_page.html(), 'html.parser') tables = soup.findAll("table", { "class" : "wikitable" }) df_test = wikitable_to_dataframe(tables[1]) print(df_test.head()) import pandas as pd from bs4 import BeautifulSoup from mediawikiapi import MediaWikiAPI def wikitable_to_dataframe(table): """ Exports a Wikipedia table parsed by BeautifulSoup. Deals with spanning: multirow and multicolumn should format as expected. """ rows=table.findAll("tr") nrows=len(rows) ncols=max([len(r.findAll(['th','td'])) for r in rows]) # preallocate table structure # (this is required because we need to move forward in the table # structure once we've found a row span) data=[] for i in range(nrows): rowD=[] for j in range(ncols): rowD.append('') data.append(rowD) # fill the table with data: # move across cells and use span to fill extra cells for i,row in enumerate(rows): cells = row.findAll(["td","th"]) for j,cell in enumerate(cells): cspan=int(cell.get('colspan',1)) rspan=int(cell.get('rowspan',1)) l = 0 for k in range(rspan): # Shifts to the first empty cell of this row # Avoid replacing previously insterted content while data[i+k][j+l]: l+=1 for m in range(cspan): data[i+k][j+l+m]+=cell.text.strip("\n") return pd.DataFrame(data) mediawikiapi = MediaWikiAPI() test_page ="Historical components of the Dow Jones Industrial Average") # to check page URL: # print(test_page.url) soup = BeautifulSoup(test_page.html(), 'html.parser') tables = soup.findAll("table", { "class" : "wikitable" }) df_test = wikitable_to_dataframe(tables[1]) print(df_test.head())

The snippet could be used for the construction of all kinds of Universes.

Beautiful soup however, does not seem to be available on QC-machines. Is there any way to change that? 
