
I have been doing some analysis for stocks, and I would like to specify the interval time when importing:

qb = QuantBook() # Select asset data apple = qb.AddEquity("AAPL") tsla = qb.AddEquity("TSLA") googl = qb.AddEquity("GOOGL") # Gets historical data from the subscribed assets, the last 360 datapoints with daily resolution stocks = qb.History(qb.Securities.Keys, 360, Resolution.Daily) stocks.head()

This gives the past 360 daily data, and I'm looking for 1-1-2018 to 1-1-2019. Specifically, I would like to know (for future questions) how to access to the documentation for this specific method. I have tried with "help(qb.History)", searching "qb.history" in the documentation, among others, and none of them gives me the arguments of this function/method.