
So, I'm having trouble with shorting a Forex pair in my algorithm. It seems to immediately sell off the pair regardless of how I set my stop loss value. I've tried using LimitOrder, StopLimitOrder and StopMarketOrder and none return the desired effect. I gave Googling and poring over the documentation my best effort. Has anyone worked around this yet/got it right the first time? See below for my latest attempt:


import numpy as np from decimal import Decimal class VerticalResistanceFlange(QCAlgorithm): stopMarketTicket = None limitTicket = None def Initialize(self): self.SetStartDate(2018, 3, 23) self.SetEndDate(2018, 7, 4) self.SetCash(100000) self.uj = self.AddForex("USDJPY", Resolution.Minute, Market.Oanda) self.usdjpy = self.AddForex("USDJPY").Symbol self.SetBrokerageModel(BrokerageName.OandaBrokerage) self.SetWarmUp(240, Resolution.Minute) self.rsi = self.RSI("USDJPY", 10, MovingAverageType.Simple, Resolution.Minute) self.ich = self.ICHIMOKU("USDJPY", 9, 26, 52, 52, 26, 26, Resolution.Minute) self.RegisterIndicator("USDJPY", self.rsi, Resolution.Minute) self.RegisterIndicator("USDJPY", self.ich, Resolution.Minute) self.UniverseSettings.Resolution = Resolution.Minute def OnData(self, data): if self.IsWarmingUp: return for key in data.Keys: self.Log(str(key.Value) + ": " + str(data.Time) + " > " + str(data[key].Value)) #Set individual variables for ICHIMOKU indicator values (Tenkan, Kijun, Senkou) and RSI ichT = self.ich.Tenkan.Current.Value ichK = self.ich.Kijun.Current.Value ichSA = self.ich.SenkouA.Current.Value ichSB = self.ich.SenkouB.Current.Value rsi_value = self.rsi.Current.Value if not self.Portfolio.Invested: ##If "Tenkan" lines meet and RSI is between 15 and 45, short if round(ichT, 3) == round(ichK, 3) and rsi_value < 45.0 and rsi_value > 15.0: self.Debug("Tenkan Kijun intersection. Short.") self.Debug("Tenkan = " + str(ichT) + " Kijun = " + str(ichK)) self.Debug("RSI Value: " + str(rsi_value)) #Set amount of portfolio to venture self.amount = self.Portfolio.Cash * 0.04 #Order pair, set stops, print values self.marketTicket = self.MarketOrder("USDJPY", -self.amount) self.price = data[self.usdjpy].Close self.Debug(str(self.price)) self.stopPrice = self.price * 1.04 self.limitPrice = self.price * 0.994 self.Debug("Limit price, short: " + str(self.limitPrice)) self.stopMarketTicket = self.StopMarketOrder("USDJPY", self.amount, self.stopPrice) self.limitTicket = self.StopMarketOrder("USDJPY", self.amount, self.limitPrice) self.Debug("Short order triggered per Ichimoku! For " + str(self.price)) ##If "Tenkan" lines meet and RSI is between 30 and 80, long elif round(ichT, 3) == round(ichK, 3) and rsi_value < 80.0 and rsi_value > 30.0: self.Debug("Tenkan Kijun intersection. Long.") self.Debug("Tenkan = " + str(ichT) + " Kijun = " + str(ichK)) self.Debug("RSI Value: " + str(rsi_value)) self.amount = self.Portfolio.Cash * 0.04 self.marketTicket = self.MarketOrder("USDJPY", self.amount) self.price = data[self.usdjpy].Close self.Debug(str(self.price)) self.stopPrice = self.price * 0.996 self.limitPrice = self.price * 1.006 self.Debug("Limit price, long: " + str(self.limitPrice)) self.stopMarketTicket = self.StopMarketOrder("USDJPY", -self.amount, self.stopPrice) self.limitTicket = self.LimitOrder("USDJPY", -self.amount, self.limitPrice) self.Debug("Long order triggered per Ichimoku! For " + str(self.price)) def OnOrderEvent(self, orderEvent): #"One cancels the other" implementation for take profit / stop loss if self.IsWarmingUp: return if self.stopMarketTicket is not None and self.stopMarketTicket.Status == OrderStatus.Filled: self.Debug("Stop Market hit! For " + str(self.Securities["USDJPY"].Price)) self.limitTicket.Cancel() self.stopMarketTicket = None if self.limitTicket is not None and self.limitTicket.Status == OrderStatus.Filled: self.Debug("Take Profit hit! For " + str(self.Securities["USDJPY"].Price)) self.stopMarketTicket.Cancel() self.limitTIcket = None

