
I have been able to successfully run Python backtests locally on my machine, but I am struggling to run Jupyter notebooks properly. I am trying to execute the BasicQuantBookTemplate.ipynb locally on my machine.

When I try to execute this piece of code (which is the first cell in BasicQuantBookTemplatet.ipynb):

!pip install pythonnet # Imports from clr import AddReference AddReference("System") AddReference("QuantConnect.Common") AddReference("QuantConnect.Research") AddReference("QuantConnect.Indicators") from System import * from QuantConnect import * from QuantConnect.Data.Custom import * from QuantConnect.Data.Market import TradeBar, QuoteBar from QuantConnect.Research import * from QuantConnect.Indicators import * from datetime import datetime, timedelta import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd # Create an instance qb = QuantBook() # Select asset data spy = qb.AddEquity("SPY")

I get the following backtrace:

Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable Requirement already satisfied: pythonnet in /opt/conda/envs/py36/lib/python3.6/site-packages (2.4.0) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImportError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-1-d06382665402> in <module> 1 get_ipython().system('pip install pythonnet') 2 # Imports ----> 3 from clr import AddReference 4 AddReference("System") 5 AddReference("QuantConnect.Common") ImportError: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at Python.Runtime.Runtime.XDecref (System.IntPtr op) [0x00041] in <c56ab175820d412caf052e079c2ab9ef>:0 at Python.Runtime.Runtime.Initialize () [0x001f0] in <c56ab175820d412caf052e079c2ab9ef>:0 at Python.Runtime.PythonEngine.Initialize (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] args, System.Boolean setSysArgv) [0x0001e] in <c56ab175820d412caf052e079c2ab9ef>:0 at Python.Runtime.PythonEngine.Initialize (System.Boolean setSysArgv) [0x00005] in <c56ab175820d412caf052e079c2ab9ef>:0 at Python.Runtime.PythonEngine.InitExt () [0x00000] in <c56ab175820d412caf052e079c2ab9ef>:0

So it can find PythonNet installation properly, and yet, there is an import error in "from clr import AddReference" line. Any fixes for this?