After running the backtest locally is there a way to create charts for it? I have found multiple suggestions but nothing seems to work.

  1. There is this blog post about Desktop Charting which is deprecated and says to use skylight instead linking to LEAN CLI
  2. Running LEAN CLI with "lean backtest project" creates an error 500 for me (docker is running and the image was downloaded)
  3. Running LEAN CLI with "lean cloud backtest project" works but produces only a summary from what I see and wouldn't be an option when offline
  4. Then there is the Report Creator but running it manually for the json file with:
    QuantConnect.Report.exe --backtest-data-source-file project.json --report-destination project.html
    produces an exception:
    System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'Delegates' threw an exception. ---> System.MissingMethodException: Failed to load symbol PyDictProxy_New ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The specified procedure could not be found

Is it possible to somehow integrate the QuantConnect.Report project into the own project for it to run directly on the generated json file? It has a config.example.json but beside some description for the report there isn't really much different to the default json.